Name ONE thing that could improve your life


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Think of your current life situation.

Now, if you could have one thing happen to you, what would it be? e.g. get a payrise, buy a house, find a serious girlfriend, etc etc.

[Realistic answers on a postcard please -- no "win the national lottery" or "impregnate Jenna Jameson" type responses].

Getting a job.

Second interview at a bank tomorrow afternoon.

Will probably do something I hate until the City of Houston opens up the next class for Firefighter applicants.
Get enough money to be able to safely and comfortably move to Canada without leaving anything behind in the US. This is not too difficult to achieve, I just need to rent a room or move back with my parents for a year or so, keeping my current job.

I could stand to get a little laid, but I'm not really concerned about it at this moment.

I should exercise more.

Mmmm, that's about it really. I'm mostly happy with myself right now. :) <-- me
i'm good for now, but for the future, i just want to be able to make enough to live comfortably, not be rich or anything like that. so i hope i can find a job that i don't hate and can make a decent bit of money at.
yes, making more money and buying a house by a lake + have a boat docked on that lake.
You know, once my car and other debts are paid off, I want to make less money. Seriously. :loco:
I'm happy with my life right now, some more money would help things but it's not that important to me. I'm getting experience in the industry I want to and having fun at the same time! Can't say fairer than that really.
My life has already improved dramatically after being laid-off. If I get a job soon, we will be in better financial position than before my lay-off, what with the severance package that we haven't even touched yet (8 weeks later).

One thing that this lay-off has taught me:

Doing what you actually want to do for a living is vastly more important than getting and staying at a job because it pays well, all the while being miserable, or simply tolerating the job. If you're tolerating your job or you hate it, you ain't living, you're letting life pass you by.

I just recently decided to bite the bullet and sign up for EMT/paramedic/firefighter academy when they start accepting applicants again. I'd rather be helping people, getting a sense of satisfaction from my work, being proud of what I do (I was always embarrased to tell people "I'm in IT customer support". How fucking boring), and getting in shape while doing it. Sitting at a fucking desk all day while looking at the outside was just depressing. After I get into the academy, I will never go back to that "life".

This layoff has definitely improved my life. It opened my eyes.
oing what you actually want to do for a living is vastly more important than getting and staying at a job because it pays well, all the while being miserable, or simply tolerating the job. If you're tolerating your job or you hate it, you ain't living, you're letting life pass you by.

truer words have never been spoken ... waking up happy in the morning cannot be beat by any financial reward for a lame ass job.
Yeah, I agree completely J. I realized that a few years ago, I just haven't done anything about it yet. Probably because I have a very satisfying life outside of work, books, music, friends, my band, etc. Work to me right now is a necessary evil.

I'll probably end up teaching in Canada. Either that or living off welfare. :loco: