Name ONE thing that could improve your life

lurch70 said:
truer words have never been spoken ... waking up happy in the morning cannot be beat by any financial reward for a lame ass job.

I wouldn't know...yet. I plan on having that feeling on a daily basis in 6-12 months.

Yeah, having a lame job because it "pays the bills" just won't work for me anymore. I paid my miserable dues and put in my time. I'm done. Time for me to enjoy working.
J. said:
Doing what you actually want to do for a living is vastly more important than getting and staying at a job because it pays well, all the while being miserable, or simply tolerating the job. If you're tolerating your job or you hate it, you ain't living, you're letting life pass you by.
It's a good thing I completely understand this already BEFORE I've worked a single day of my life. :loco:
been working since 15 years old ... and just realized this at 31 ... better late than never.
it's amazing how much more productive you can be if you actually enjoy what you do.
Erik said:
It's a good thing I completely understand this already BEFORE I've worked a single day of my life. :loco:

Trust me, everyone coming out of college thinks they know this, but they don't. Coming out of college, you pretty much know nothing. Even if you knew you know nothing, that would be something, but you don't.

Unless of course you're going to college to be a professional, such as an accountant, lawyer, cop, teacher, etc. If you're going to college just to get some basic degree (marketing, finance, IT), you'll be happy with whatever job you can land.

I got my first job within about 2 months after graduating, and I was just happy to get a job so I could move out of the parent's house. That it paid well was a bonus.

I'd just rather my work benefit people than some greedy executive's wallets and "the bottom line".
Rensei, Life could always be improved.

J. I'm very happy that you have turned your termination from a negative into a positive. Good job my friend.

I myself, right now a good hearty meal would change my outlook on life 10-4. I feel flush. But besides my yearning for an instant gratifying portion of meatloaf, I wouldn't mind falling head over heels in love. My heart hasn't fluttered for quite sometime.
No, I KNOW it alright

If I end up in a shit job (as in unfulfilling, regardless of pay) then that's going to be because I absolutely fucking had to.

Maybe when I was 10 I thought "when I grow up, I'm going to get a well-paid job!" I seriously couldn't give two halves of a fuck now.
Yeah I'm siding with J. on the knowing you know nothing about nothing bit. This kind of shit comes from life experience. You know, like actually working. :p

Been working since I was 17, right now I'm a few weeks shy of my 6 year anniversary at this company + 3 years at K-mart in high school and the start of college. Damn.
Yea, I wouldn't want to wind up digging ditches just to be able to buy pinto beans. But striving for million dollar estates and bling bling is a bullshit goal. That's why this whole world is so fucked up. Everyone is in a race with one another. Who can drive the fastest car, who can get the hottest chick, who can have the flashiest clothes.

Give me a pinto, a cool chick, a t-shirt and sandals...and I'm content. Materialism is bullshit (Aside from CD Collections ofcourse) ;)
Atlas Shrugged said:
AHAHAH You got the wrong chick then. A gf should compliment oneself, not be a detriment. Once you say to yourself "why am I with this bitch?", Cut her loose and cut your losses. :)

Funny thing, that's what im doing tonight! :) :) :)
One Inch Man said:
Yeah I'm siding with J. on the knowing you know nothing about nothing bit. This kind of shit comes from life experience. You know, like actually working. :p
Holy shit you guys really are terribly fucking bitter that you had to waste 10 years to realize something that I've known all along, aren't you? :tickled: Neener
Erik said:
Holy shit you guys really are terribly fucking bitter that you had to waste 10 years to realize something that I've known all along, aren't you? :tickled: Neener

Agree with Atlas Shrugged on chicks, when a bitch does nothing but bring me down I bail. I'm not saying take off at the first fight, but if it's a bad relationship or if you aren't happy, what's the point? Unless you love them in which case you might want to work things out first. Or run faster, I dunno. :dunno: :whocares:
Atlas Shrugged said:
Rensei, Life could always be improved.

What comes also must go, pleasurable circumstances included. As long as one cling to these, he's bond to suffer for pleasure and pain are 2 sides of the same coin. Thinking about improving your life can only breeds trouble. Life can be improved by the removal of that very idea.
Rensei said:
What comes also must go, pleasurable circumstances included. As long as one cling to these, he's bond to suffer for pleasure and pain are 2 sides of the same coin. Thinking about improving your life can only breeds trouble. Life can be improved by the removal of that very idea.

Sounds like a rationalization for laziness. I'm talking about improving your life spiritually, mentally, and physically. Improvement within. :)
Rensei said:
What comes also must go, pleasurable circumstances included. As long as one cling to these, he's bond to suffer for pleasure and pain are 2 sides of the same coin. Thinking about improving your life can only breeds trouble. Life can be improved by the removal of that very idea.

If you expect your life to be "good" all the time you probably deserve to suffer! Take the bad times in stride, as a part of life that we all have to deal with to some extent, and learn to enjoy the good things for what they are. That's how I try to look at it, though admittedly there hasn't been THAT much bad shit going on in my life.
Demilich said:
If you expect your life to be "good" all the time you probably deserve to suffer! Take the bad times in stride, as a part of life that we all have to deal with to some extent, and learn to enjoy the good things for what they are. That's how I try to look at it, though admittedly there hasn't been THAT much bad shit going on in my life.
Yeah but do you understand him though? His point (as I understand it) is that if you COMPLETELY STOP THINKING ABOUT IMPROVING LIFE, there IS NO IMPROVEMENT! As far as you're concerned, your life will be perfect as it is! It's a rather simple concept, but probably pretty much unattainable.