Name ONE thing that could improve your life

I'm trying to understand what Rensei is saying here. In one word, I think all his posts can be summed up in a word: contentment.

While that's all good and dandy in a perfect world, we don't live there.

For instance, if I were to be content as my life is right now, I'd stay at home for the rest of my life earning unemployment (which would run out in 5 months anyway), my wife would continue working a shit job for an asshole boss. Consequence: I'd lose my home, cars, pets, and assets. By finding a job (improving my life) will be able to keep these items. Contentment comes with many consequences.

Plus, that's boring.
Demilich said:
I guess I should have worded it more objectively or something. I'm not very good at arguing or anything, but what I meant to say is that people who get very upset over every little bit of hardship or suffering they have to endure and act like they think they're the only one who has trouble in their lives are ridiculous. I wasn't even responding to you directly or trying to attack you or anything, just using what you said as a springboard for stating my own point of view.

Thanks for clarifying :). I understand what you mean. You have a good point, some people think they're the only one who has trouble which is absurd. Like you, I don't think that the attitude "better getting away from problems than facing them" is the solution.
I get what Rensei is saying, but that state of mind for me would be an infinitely boring way to live. Reminds me of that children's book How To Be A Perfect Person in Just Three Days, anyone who achieves it sits around drinking weak tea all day and nothing else. Spoiler: it's impossible to do.
Oh yeah, to add....(sorry, but on a roll here)....last night I had a 90 minute chat with Mike Scalzi. I mean, to me, that's the next best thing to interviewing Steve Harris, no shit.

Alright, you can carry on... :)
I simply do not want to be perfect. How boring would that be? Jesus was perfect, and what did he do? He went walking around the middle east, because it was so damn boring being perfect.

It's like our CD collections. We think that when we get all the items on our want-lists, our collection will be perfect, but then we find out about 10 other bands, and the cycle continues.

Fuck perfection.
Denis Leary said:
Happiness comes in small doses folks. It's a cigarette, or a chocolate cookie, or a five second orgasm. That's it, ok! You cum, you eat the cookie, you smoke the butt, you go to sleep, you get up in the morning and go to fucking work, ok!? That is it! End of fucking list!
I love Denis Leary.
JayKeeley said:
Oh yeah, to add....(sorry, but on a roll here)....last night I had a 90 minute chat with Mike Scalzi. I mean, to me, that's the next best thing to interviewing Steve Harris, no shit.

Alright, you can carry on... :)

now HURRY UP AND TRANSCRIBE IT! I'm dyin' here! Actually I've been reading Cobbett interviews to tide me over!

did you guys know that that chick from Hammers left before they recorded The August Engine to join the Pink (that annoying chick singer) backup band, and came back to record her parts later with a pile of money from touring that she used to pay for the recording and all that shit. crazy... Cobbett's a very interesting guy, he really goes in-depth in his interviews
JayKeeley said:
Dennis Leary > Dennis Miller

so true! reminds me of that simpsons quote:


"*laugh* only one in a million people would find that funny!"

"yes, we call that the Denis Miller ratio"
Demilich said:
now HURRY UP AND TRANSCRIBE IT! I'm dyin' here! Actually I've been reading Cobbett interviews to tide me over!

did you guys know that that chick from Hammers left before they recorded The August Engine to join the Pink (that annoying chick singer) backup band, and came back to record her parts later with a pile of money from touring that she used to pay for the recording and all that shit. crazy... Cobbett's a very interesting guy, he really goes in-depth in his interviews

:ill: Now that's interesting!!! God I love her voice. I would annoit her dry knees with my sweat.
Demilich said:
now HURRY UP AND TRANSCRIBE IT! I'm dyin' here! Actually I've been reading Cobbett interviews to tide me over!

did you guys know that that chick from Hammers left before they recorded The August Engine to join the Pink (that annoying chick singer) backup band, and came back to record her parts later with a pile of money from touring that she used to pay for the recording and all that shit. crazy... Cobbett's a very interesting guy, he really goes in-depth in his interviews

YEs indeed. Did you read that over at LotFP? If not, I suggest you get his edition with the Hammers interview and review.

I think it's cool that she dived into commercialism for 12 months, made a shit load of money, and came back and helped fund the Hammers record. Then she went and joined Fireball Ministry. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
YEs indeed. Did you read that over at LotFP? If not, I suggest you get his edition with the Hammers interview and review.

I think it's cool that she dived into commercialism for 12 months, made a shit load of money, and came back and helped fund the Hammers record. Then she went and joined Fireball Ministry. :loco:

Yes, i'm gonna have to do that, 'cause I havent read the Hammers interview yet, and Raggi's interviews are THE SHIT!

That fucking rocks, I didn't know that about her. That's actually my dream if I ever go for it in the music biz. Except I plan on crashing and burning on live television at my peak, get real drunk and start pissing on my millions of adoring fans on TRL or something. This is gonna rule.

And just like that, we're talking about the Hammers again!! :lol:

This forum is nuts. Seriously people, if it's not ghosts and nazis, it's gothic power metal and more nazis.

Demilich said:
Yes, i'm gonna have to do that, 'cause I havent read the Hammers interview yet, and Raggi's interviews are THE SHIT!


Yes boss. :loco:

Now, lets all say together in unison....wait for it.....

"Where all the white women at?"
