Name ONE thing that could improve your life

no! you're wrong! NONE of us have an understanding of national socialism or racism, we simply see them as horrible and dismiss anyone who expresses sentiments that would align themselves with those unspeakable evils :loco:
J. said:
I'm trying to understand what Rensei is saying here. In one word, I think all his posts can be summed up in a word: contentment.

While that's all good and dandy in a perfect world, we don't live there.

For instance, if I were to be content as my life is right now, I'd stay at home for the rest of my life earning unemployment (which would run out in 5 months anyway), my wife would continue working a shit job for an asshole boss. Consequence: I'd lose my home, cars, pets, and assets. By finding a job (improving my life) will be able to keep these items. Contentment comes with many consequences.

Plus, that's boring.

Get rid of the idea that you don't live in a perfect world for that thought is making your situation miserable.

What's the problem in losing your home, your cars, pets and assets? Being attached to these and wanting them to be permanent prevents from being peaceful, undisturbed. What if you loose all those things, you will then want to "improve" your present situation by seeking "more" in the future and therefore making efforts to overcome the difficulties and reach your goal. Pleasure is not without a cost.
That is cool, if you're going to associate with the mainstream as opposed to infilitrating it, use the profits to help finance independent productions. Being content with your life's current situation is a good thing as long as you realize it can be stolen from you at any second, especially if you make no effort to improve and or take control of your life.
One Inch Man said:
I get what Rensei is saying, but that state of mind for me would be an infinitely boring way to live. Reminds me of that children's book How To Be A Perfect Person in Just Three Days, anyone who achieves it sits around drinking weak tea all day and nothing else. Spoiler: it's impossible to do.

Would it be boring if you were completely careless about the future? Are you bored in your sleep? And again, that book rely on improvement in the future, that's not what I'm talking about.
He seems willing to pay the price. :)

Regardless, he hasn't lost himself in materialism. (As shown by his fight club quote). There's nothing wrong with wanting some of the finer things in life, aslong as you attain the assets with a rational mind.

Nothing is funnier than watching an 18 yr old driving around in a BMW. Either his daddy bought for him, or he's put himself 6feet in debt.
J. said:
I simply do not want to be perfect. How boring would that be? Jesus was perfect, and what did he do? He went walking around the middle east, because it was so damn boring being perfect.

It's like our CD collections. We think that when we get all the items on our want-lists, our collection will be perfect, but then we find out about 10 other bands, and the cycle continues.

Fuck perfection.

aha exactly.
Atlas Shrugged said:
Nothing is funnier than watching an 18 yr old driving around in a BMW. Either his daddy bought for him, or he's put himself 6feet in debt.

or he won a lottery, or is extremely fortunate, or he has really nice friends, or he stole it, or any of a number of other options!
Rensei said:
Would it be boring if you were completely careless about the future?
I am pretty careless about my future. :loco:
Rensei said:
Are you bored in your sleep?
Yes! I hate sleeping because it's time wasted I could be doing something more productive! Although when I actually am sleeping, it rules.
Demonspell said:
That is cool, if you're going to associate with the mainstream as opposed to infilitrating it, use the profits to help finance independent productions. Being content with your life's current situation is a good thing asl ong as you realize it can be stolen from you at any second, especially if you make no effort to improve and.or take control of your life.

And what if it's stolen? What's wrong with that?
One Inch Man said:
I am pretty careless about my future. :loco: Yes! I hate sleeping because it's time wasted I could be doing something more productive! Although when I actually am sleeping, it rules.

Of course it rules :cool:
Demilich said:
Fuck yeah! Sleep is awesome. I hope i'm not the only one here who looks forward to sleep every night because dreams are so fun!

How come sex dreams only happen right before waking up?!? I don't know about you guys...but even my subconscious is cockblocking me. :erk:
hmm... true I think.. ive had sex dreams that didn't end in the middle of the action though.. ive also had ones (really weird) where i knew i was gonna get laid, then it completely blanked over the sex and afterwards in the dream i remembered that i had it but didnt remember it. are my sex dreams edited for TV?
Rensei said:
Not without goals, but free from goals.

The nature of man is to WANT more ... always. This is a basic need. To grow, to need, to compete, to be important.

The very thing you are doing by trying to explain yourself satisfies one of these needs.

Whne figthing these basic inner needs is when you become miserable.

This is why we have wars, families, work, buy stuff.

Just fuck it all and enjoy yourself ... :loco:
Rensei said:
Get rid of the idea that you don't live in a perfect world for that thought is making your situation miserable.

It's not misery, it's reality. Living in utopia would be boring as fuck for me. I want problems (challenges), I want dirty sex, I want to care about something, I want to make a better life for my family, etc.

What's the problem in losing your home, your cars, pets and assets?

If I lost my home, I'd have no where to live, which would make me ask the parents for a place to live. Now that's miserable.

If I lost my cars, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere, then being stuck at the parents home.

I love my pets. Granted, I don't really care about a lot of my assets (furntiure, TVs, etc).

Being attached to these and wanting them to be permanent prevents from being peaceful, undisturbed.

Actually, I think without these things, my life would be less peaceful and more disturbing.

I'm attached to my wife, doesn't mean my life would be better without her.

What if you loose all those things, you will then want to "improve" your present situation by seeking "more" in the future and therefore making efforts to overcome the difficulties and reach your goal.

Perhaps, but what's wrong with having these things and tryng to improve on what I already have and trying to reach my current goals?

Pleasure is not without a cost.

Of course not. Being a fire fighter would be a pleasure for me. The cost was losing my job and my good income. And those are challenges I certainly welcome.

When we become content with life, life ceases to exist.