Name ONE thing that could improve your life

I prefer Glenlivet the best, but Glenfiddich is definitely 3rd place. Balvenie is #2, that stuff gives you Anchor Butt though, you sit down, have one dram, and can't really move for awhile.

Damn I love scotch. :kickass:
errmm...never heard of any of that. i'll take your word for it though. i was just trying to stay local with the jack. ehh...that'd be nashville, not compton.
You can find all those at any decent liquor store, for $20 to $30 a bottle for their low level stuff, 12 and 15 year bottles. Highly recommended if you want some good whiskey, but don't mix with them, it's a waste and probably wouldn't taste good anyhow.

Cheap liquor for mixing, good liquor for sipping.

I drink the stuff that gives me the best cost/taste ratio (for beer: Canadian, for liquor: Lamb's Navy Rum (and coke)).

When I'm no longer on a student loan and i'm working, i'll go back to my scotch.
One Inch Man said:
I'm a beer and liquor snob by the way, can you tell?!? :loco:
yeah, i dig it. i used to be one too, kinda. beer anyway. then i pretty much quit drinking.
that stuff looks very tasty though.
I don't like scotch. Bourbon all the way. Mind you I'm a cheap arse when it comes to alcohol buying, but even Chivas doesn't sit well with me.
Ahh yeah, something that would improve my life. GTA San Andreas and a bottle of Jim Beam black. The difficult part is waiting the 3 more days 'till I can have both.
NAD ... I am totally hooked on those Tom Collins drinks :kickass: ... they are so awesome especially in this close to 100 degrees weather we are having this week in NY.
dorian gray said:
$30? damn. that's alot. i'd rather just not drink.
In Sweden, $30 is real cheap for 70 cl of any liquor... The VERY CHEAPEST VODKA AVAILABLE in Sweden, at all, is $22,50 for 70 cl

I enjoy shocking people with our outrageous alcohol prices
And imagine, norwegians flock to the swedish borders to buy cheap alcohol. :lol:

One thing that would improve my life-quality:

A new job, as I really dread going to work every morning the way things are now.