Name ONE thing that could improve your life

Erik said:
In Sweden, $30 is real cheap for 70 cl of any liquor... The VERY CHEAPEST VODKA AVAILABLE in Sweden, at all, is $22,50 for 70 cl

I enjoy shocking people with our outrageous alcohol prices
:guh: and i thought liquor was expensive in oregon :tickled:
I agree, why rid yourself of desire? Even if you don't always get what you want, it's a nice motivation to have.
lurch70 said:
NAD ... I am totally hooked on those Tom Collins drinks :kickass: ... they are so awesome especially in this close to 100 degrees weather we are having this week in NY.
haha awesome. I only had them that one time, if the weather warms up again maybe I'll have some more. But first thing I'm going for after this Duffless month is done is a freezing cold Speakeasy Big Daddy IPA, the perfect summer beer.


Thanatopsis123 said:
You guys so need to get on board with the Buddha. :)
I'm a self-proclaimed Terrible Buddhist, I try to follow the teachings but realize I can't very well. So I look to the Tao, it's a lot easier to follow. :p
One Inch Man said:
Bushmills, Jameson

I went to the Jameson distillery in Ireland, cool place.. pics eventually if i took any, cant remember. Also drove through the town of Bushmills but didnt stop. Also didnt drink any whiskey for the whole trip.. only beer! Except they were givin away free samples of Jameson in the airport when we left... that was fuckin awesome.
Winning 150 million US no taxes in the lottery.
Or finding someone compatible.

Nah,I'll take the 150 million
I usually try to avoid wishing for things I most likely wont get.

But money feels like the obvious answer, not that I have great need for it, but with a lot of it I wouldn't have to worry about it in general, like lending money for studies etc. But I guess having a lot of it might also be a bad thing since it might become the dominant thing of your life with all the worries what to do with it and how to place it etc :|

If I could have anything right now, I'd like to be able to speak german :p