Nancy Pelosi, the botoxed wonder

The sheer fact that it comes weeks after Pelosi meeting with Syria and dumbfucks like you are all up in arms about it because you don't think we should try to come up with a plan to fix the miserable failure that is our current Middle East policies:rolleyes: , is hilarious. I'll bet Republicans would like to take credit for trying to come up with a plan with them now, huh? And how is she doing her job when Massa George already said we will not negotiate with them, why is he changing his tune now? And isn't "reasoning with them" the same as negotiating, retard? Anyways, it was fun reading your pathetic post and your even more pathetic play on words:wave:

Stay the course, Jackass errr I mean Sue:wave:

Pelosi going over there broke the chain of command. Pelosi is a US senator. If she wants Condi's job, she should send in her resume.
As far as negotiating with them. It isn't even so much that we shouldn't negotiate with terrorist run countries. We simply can't. It is not possible to negotiate with irrational people who support terrorism.
Don't let your hatred of "Massa George" drive you to always disagree. I don't think Rice should have gone over there either. Unfortunately, GW felt like Pelosi forced his hand and he had to send Condi. This is an area where I am not real happy with George. He sometimes lets the polls factor too much into what he is doing.
No, I don't think Republicans will take credit for negotiating with terrorists. We'll leave that honor to the spineless liberals. Only they could possibly believe that they will stop killing innocent people if we are really, really, really nice to them.
The difference between Rice talking to our enemies and Pelosi talking to our enemies is that Rice is a republican, and republicans are patriots, while Pelosi is a democrap, and all democraps are hippy traitors.

Much like when the Ronald Reagan administration removed Iraq from the State Department's list of countries that support terror in 1982 and then sent Donald Rumsfeld to strengthen US-Iraqi relations while Saddam was engaging in genocide, republicans always put morality and America first.

Of course, the heathen commie vampire liberals will tell you that there's nothing wrong with a senator talking to heads of foreign governments, especially a senator who is third in line for president. They are wrong.

Obviously, Pelosi is supporting our enemies. She, like every other democrat, wants America to become an Islamic nation of homos and fig-eating hippies, just like San Francisco and Paris.

They need to be stopped. It's up to us. If we don't imprison Pelosi and every single stinking liberal in America, we will become an Islamofascist nation.
They need to be stopped. It's up to us. If we don't imprison Pelosi and every single stinking liberal in America, we will become an Islamofascist nation.

You're right and I think its up to you to lead the charge into Washington, if you mean that with conviction I want to see you on the news marching up the capitol steps and placingn that "traitor bitch" under citizens arrest and charge her with treason, and accomplice to crimes against humanity