Patrick R.
- Jul 16, 2006
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Do you fail to see the root significance between the words "emancipator" and "emancipation"??? I didn't invent either terms but it makes sense to call someone who made a document called the emancipation proclaimation an emancipator. Anyways I imagine you are one of the southern types who still feels that the "south will rise again" or some such nonesense...Regardless of what he personally thought or said he signed a document stating that all slaves were to be set free. Period.
Does he deserve the term the great emancipator when he in fact defended a slave owner? Like I said call him whatever you want, but his true views on the racial reality of whites and blacks were much different then the liberal projection in modern Western academia.
He sure did sign a document to set the slaves free he also wanted them to be sent back to Africa something you arent talking about. Nope sorry, I have no desire to separate from the Federal government or change they way it was set up by the constitution I would rather have people whos ideological views are more similar to my forefathers rather then some post war anti Western war mongers who use the people for their own selfish ambitions in the Middle East and the rest of the world. The only thing I ask is that white supremacy and racism not be a factor.
Actually Alexander was Macedonian...and after Alexander conquered Greece exogamy became the norm. What does it matter if it was with other parts of "Europe"?? At that time Europe didn't even exist and "Europeans" certainly didn't see themselves as such. They called everywhere outside of Helen (modern Europeans) "barbarians". Before this past century for the most part people identified themselves by their nationality, not by some pan-european term which suggested unity.
Exactly the Macedonians were Greek, Ancient Greece was a lot more then just Greek mainland, it was also places like Cyprus, the Aegean coast of Turkey (the Ionians), Sicily and southern Italy, and other places Greek colonist went, even as far north as the Ukraine. Your lack of understand the classical world is pathetic.
What does it matter if it was other parts of Europe you ask? Because that is the entire point I am trying to make, a point you cant seem to understand. Culture changes, even with a persons lifetime, whereas race will continue for thousands of years unless it is absorbed by another race or is physically destroyed kind of like the fate the Carthaginians by the Romans.
Your idea of Euorpe and race is skewed from an historic perspective. Most of the "european" races which were excluded access into America were considered "non-white" in their own time. The specific act you speak of was aimed at restricting further entry by southern and eastern europeans. The "whites" of this day (white is a totally fluid term) were not considered white. There was also an act that made it illegal for the Chinese to enter America. And yes there were racially exclusive laws which you should loath because you hate white supremacists. Most modern people abhor America's racist past. My point is that you attempted to suggest that "whites" practiced racial separatism while it is well known that whites mixed with native americans and blacks on a regular basis.
Wow, some Americans created phoney anthropological theories that influenced the Nazis. Theosophy influenced the Nazis too. In fact, a bunch of weirdos and pseudo-intellectuals influenced the Nazis. This is on par with racism which is usually practiced by uneducated people.
Right, some southern Europeans were considered non whites and yes they werent allowed into the United States (the 1924 immigration act). Hell the Irish werent even considered white by some Anglo Saxons as you clearly point out. Whatever the case, it only proves my point further that white Americans practiced racially homogeneity. You say people abhor Americas racist past? Well now, I thought America was meant to be a multi cultural nation, or that is what you tell me. But it appears that early white Americans were racist and never wanted a multiracial nation. So make up your mind, was America created for all people or was it racist and Nazi like?
As far as the Nazis go, it was Nazi rocket scientist that laid the foundations for NASA and thus made space exploration possible. Our Federal government took as many Nazi scientist as possible these arent the pseudo scientist they you are referring to. But in any case, I could care less about Nazism and Im tired of people using it for the political agendas let it go and let it die.
Some "races" were formed that way, others are a mixture of different conquering tribes or foreign races tribes mixed. How will it destroy that? Even if everyone mixed there wouldn't be some quick-fix leveled out race. There would be tons of individuals with parents of different backgrounds. Even then people would more often associate with ideological beliefs. For instance an Arab Muslim will recognize more in common with a Pakistani Muslim than an Arab Christian. Or I will more quickly make friends with a Mexican metalhead than some preppy White guy.
Yes, what you are referring to is hybrid races. As far as these Arab Muslims you refer to, Im sorry they would have a lot more in common with an Arab Christian then lets say a black Muslim. Take a look the slavery in the Middle East Arab slave traders made white American slave traders look like hair dressers. As far as your little friendship analogy, Im sorry, but that doesnt dispute the taxonomic accuracy of classification of humans into races. You dont have to hate any other race just because you see an obvious difference. I would rather be friends with a Hispanic then a white trash moron, but I still see the reality of race.
As I suggested before, my family is Irish, and I could really care less about "whites", because throughtout the climax of these "white movements" Irish were called "white my pals" and subjected to every form of degregation by Americans and the English. Let them have their white race. Because white is a social construct. It was invented for the most part in post-WW2 America to exclude black people from adequate housing and a fair chance at economic stability. As I stated before, the term "white" or "european" could mean anything. It could mean the Irish are white, it could mean they are "white my pals" it could mean Polish are white, it could mean they are "dirty Polacks", even Jews can be considered white or not. Anyone who associates with a group of people who consider themselves white becomes a part of white culture regardless of their race. I couldn't care less what some nut-job says on his website.
Yes, Irish were called names, so what? Does that stop the genetic reality of the European/white race and the sub races within Europeans? White can be a social construct, but if we go back the indigenous populations of Europe that came into existence through reproductive isolation then it is definitely racial rather then social. The term white was a name referred to Europeans obviously in reference to our fair skin long before the second world war and it became and anthropological reference to Europeans. After the second world war, that began to change.
As I stated before, Americans are just a mixture of a bunch of races which 200 years ago wouldnt be considered "white". In the 1800s if you were to go to Chicago and enter a German bar and you were Polish they would probably punch you in the face and throw you out of the bar. Why? They are both "White" races of "European" descent. In fact they are neighboring countries and most likely share a similar genetic history. Because culture determines race.
During the 1800s people understood the concept of the white race very very well in political and cultural life. Even before the 1800s, take Thomas Jefferson for example, also take the Lincoln/Douglas debates for another example. But in any case who cares what the races of humanity were called? Europeans during the 1600s didnt call the European honeybee Apis mellifera, does that mean the European honeybee didnt exist? In fact, before the Swedish biologist Carolus Linaeus developed his binomial nomenclature the European honeybee had a 12 part scientific name Apis pubescens, thorace subgriseo, abdomine fusco, pedibus posticis glabis, untrinque margine ciliatus' that was the polynomial name for an organism which was very long. My point is names dont speak volumes taxonomic accuracy does when it comes to humanity.
Several races and religions co-existed in ancient Rome. And as I said before most coastal towns near large bodies of water were home to "diversity stew" all the way back into ancient times. Sure wars started, but once more look to the reign of Alexander. He would dress up as a Persian and pray to the Persian gods. He also prayed to Zeus-Amon which was a god combined from the meshing of Greek and Egyptian culture. You didn't say the civil war you just said post-war several times. I assumed you were talking about WW2, or perhaps even Vietnam. But the Civil War is funny. The north came stomped on the south like an old rag doll and took over the United States. They should have never messed with the North, and they wouldn't have had their problems. The north was more educated and on the cutting edge of engineering and agriculture, while the south was lost in this delusional haze, a bunch of inbred wannabe aristocrats.
Several religions and races came to Rome, but that most certainly wasnt a Roman strength the European element was and still is. Your reference to races taking on foreign cultures only proves my point even further cultures will change, whereas race will not unless they are destroyed deliberately or if they just mix themselves to death.
A little tip for you, post war in Western usage refers to the period after the second world war. You talk about the north destroying the south? Well, I ask you, how was the slaughter over a half million people a good thing? Also, the north was a lot more racist then the south, as I have already documented, Abraham Lincoln wanted blacks out of the United States whereas the whites down south wanted them to stay.
OHHHH yes the middle-east, they have been enjoying a peaceful coexistence in their "homogenous nation" (even though they aren't a nation). I guess whether the typical Middle-Eastern or Japanese family is cohesive could be debated. But even in countries which are racially isolated, like Finland, there are instances of rape, divorce, suicide, etc... Being racially exclusive means nothing.
I have to ask you this do you speak English? I only ask because you are putting words into my mouth and you arent understanding what Im trying to say, I never said anything about the Middle East being a nation much less a homogenous nation. If you want to talk about rape and murder in the Western world you might want to talk about flood of non white immigrants that are murdering and raping Europeans at will. Take a look at France and the riots for example where an elderly women was burnt to death by non whites and take a look at the Danish controversy about cartoon depicting their holy prophet. I understand their anger 100% but we wouldnt have these problems in a racially stable nation.
Evolution "works" through a certain species adapting to its environment in order to survive. And as I said before species go stronger through genetic diversity. Look at dogs for example, muts live much longer, healthier lives than thoroughbreds. Many have tried to create a racist theory of evolution but it just doesn't add up. Women are instinctually attracted to people who have genetic diversity, it is a natural mechanism which prevents incest.
But anyways regardless of what you say exogamy is not forced by any governmental measure. Any white person is free to date whites all they want. I see it all the time. I see white couples together and they dont get harrassed by cops. If you want to ger married to the most nordic looking woman you can find thats your choice nobody is stopping you. But I don't think people should look down on a white guy who dates an asian woman because that is just the way love works, it isn't always perfect and acceptable by everyone's standards. And frankly people who date outside of their race could care less what anyone thinks.
So you approve eugenics slightly? Instead of improving hereditary diseases through selective breeding by sterilization, you should just merge gene pools? Morons try to say that about Jews, that the only way to get rid of Jewish genetic diseases is intermarriage as if there is no alternative to hereditary diseases. Jewish hereditary diseases from inbreeding such as Tay Sachs may be a problem, but genocide of their genotype isnt the answer.
As far as your racist theory evolution, well, it is called speciation. Need species form and within these species diversity is the result as long as there is isolation to acquire new traits remember mutations cause variation. What makes you say women are attracted to genetic diversity? That all depends on the women, some are attracted to people who are genetically similar to themselves whereas women arent, that goes for men a well. But it appears you and I have different views on genetic diversity. My view on genetic diversity is separation which over time creates new traits whereas if the races stay in the same spot there will not be any barrier of gene flow and no distinctive human races or genetic diversity. What you are referring to is mix all the races together that exist because of their separation and thus destroy racial diversity that is the end result.