Nazi, rasicm etc...


Scaldic Art
Jan 11, 2002
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The 'Storm'-thread did me make this thread. I was wondering of you people listen to music where the musicians are nazis, rasicm or something.

For me, I don't. Now I know that the guy of Storm is nazi I am not interested in his music anymore.

I don't listen to a lot of shock rock bands. They kill animals just for the show. It's not that I don't like their music but that is sick so I don't listen to them. Alice Cooper is great but his shows with birds are sick so I don't listen to him.

What do think about this kind of bands???
Well, I might be listening to a hell of a lot of nazi, racist bands
without knowing. This is because I never pay attention to lyrics.
This might harm me one day. I also discovered this in the Storm
thread. Cause I like Storm, and I refuse to stop listening to them
cause of something like that. The music is still good, and
they have some great folk-songs!

But, if someone told me this band one band was a naziband,
and I hadn't heard it before, I don't think I would check it out.
But if I already love the music I'd get shook up but still have
to listen to it, know what I mean?

There's nothing I hate more than racism etc, and it doesn't
belong in music, but I still understand it's there, since it's so
strong hateful feelings... Lucky me, I don't understand what
people sing about >:eek:P Hehe...
I despise nazism and all it represents, which includes racism. I despise black metal for this reason and also because of their ignorance and abuse of heathen symbolism. For the record people like that garbage Varg Vikernes belong exactly where they are. He is no more heathen than hitler was. neither of them have/had the first concept of what it's about.
I for one agree with all of you. Rasism is a ridiculous form of ignorance and not being educated. (It would be easy to point out how hypocritical racists are...for instance Hitler was said to be this big he was in fact praying to the King of the Jews..) Well that's up for debate but anyhow not the point of this thread I imagine.

I won't listen to a band that promotes racism. For example the Russian band Temnozor who claim to be "Extreme Pagan Metal"... There's absolutely NOTHING Pagan about them. This would bring about another topic of how these small minded individuals bring a bad name to Paganism.

However if the people behind the music are racist...but their lyrics are NOT at all racially motivated, nor is the album artwork then I have no problem. Everyone has a right to their own opinion (however wrong I may think it is). Just so long as it doesn't come through to me in the music. (So there's me being hypocritical I suppose). But I believe I've done my small part. My partner and I will not promote in any way shape or form racist bands in our magazine. Unfortunately we were sidebared into placing an ad for Drakkar Vinland (who knew our feelings but mounted the ad for Temnozor' anyway).

That won't happen again. Sorry for the rant, but this topic really hits a nerve with me.

Originally posted by Blackspirit
Cause I like Storm, and I refuse to stop listening to them
cause of something like that. The music is still good, and
they have some great folk-songs!
Lucky me, I don't understand what people sing about >:eek:P Hehe...

I had a similar problem with Rahowa. I feel in love with the music before I understood what they were about. Problem is that their lyrics ARE very understandable. At least they are more poetic than most, but it's constant turmoil for me... or it would be if I could find the disc...
uh, this is a very difficult thread! well, i'd say i wouldn't listen to a band which is a declared nazi band, but i wouldn't do eighter with a band that is declared radical left for instance! i don't see why people are so often blind on one eye in the radical political spectrum! extreme left is just as dangerous and undemocratic as extreme right! and i hate those dogmas saying:"you like burzum? then you are a nazi and can fuck off!" there are a lot of burzum fans who aren't nazis but just in for the music! and i don't see why i couldn't take a listen to burzum! i did and have to say his later work is not bad at all.
i also read some of vargs writings on the internet and while some is utterly crap he is still very educated!
i think that socalled antifascists are just as fascist as their enemies, the real fascists! they are shouting their slogans and when you're trying to have a discussion with them they say:"what, you don't agree with us? then you are a fascist!" while most of them don't even know what fascism is!
for instance, a german gothic band refused to take part in a concert against fascism, just beause they said that their music is non-political! so some hysterical antifascists screemed:"if you're not with us, then you're against us"! so the band is now labeled nazi! isn't that ridicilous? i stil want to be able to speak my mind and not be shouted down by right- or leftradicals!

and rune fairy, hitler wasn't that christian, of course he was by birth, but nazism and the church never had a very good relationship even though some priests were declared nazis! he didn't despise the church, otherwhise he never would have been able to gain power in christian germany, but he never praised the christian fate eighter!
Hitler recieved money from the church to get rid of the Jewish people and he needed that money for the war. He also recieved money from Americans.
It's a very hypocritical thing to not listen to bands just because of their political orientation. Besides , do you not listen to bands like Morbid Angel etc...? Where the lyrical fundament is highly anti-religious?
Whats the difference between the two discriminations?(i.e religious discriminations and ethnic discriminations), where is the line drawn?
Not listening to Storm beacause of political differences is just like not listening to Judas Priest because you found out Rob Halford is gay and you happen to be homo-phobic...
Lets say a racist-dude/dudette :p doesn't listen to Seal , because of the colour of his skin even though he/she likes the music , are you any different than them if you don't listen to Storm because of a similar scenario?
Do you like music because of the music itself , or because of the image?
I listen to lots of music where I do not agree with the lyrical content or the political/religious orientation of the persons involved , because these topics does not nescessarily have anything to do with the musical quality.
I'm not gonna say much to it, if I would check every musician's personal political, etc. mind to see if I will listen to their music, then I have at first a hell of a lot to check and second, I think I could thrash most of the albums I have here, because I have a different point of view on things. I respect everyone for their own mind as long as the respect mine and not become violent, so no respect for Varg Vikernes... :p
Where is the line drawn, good question! for some people, even mentioning germanic pantheon or heritage is racist, what bullshit!
Racism is so often equaled white racism! but look at some of those us gangsta rappers! they talk about" yo, black brothers let's go kill some white", but don't get the same shit for that like nazi-bands! It's much more tolerated and some people say " that's because white people have done bad things to them in former times"! but isn't that utterly racist? guilty at birth? i don't see why i owe something to a black because people with the same skincolor have enslaved them centuries ago! if people get accused for something that other people of similar race have done, it's racism at it's worst!
i have every respect for any indigious cultur! but being allowed to celebrate your own cultur is a human right! it has nothing to do with being racist though, because it doesn't mean that you regard your cultur as superior towards others, but have respect for others and demand the same respect for your cultur!
i don't want to get too political on this forum, just wanted to share my views!:) :D :) :D
Originally posted by Morgana
I don't wanna talk on political things here... and I don't give a shit what people think when I say I love my country. I love it very much... it's my home.

I agree with you 100% Morgana...there's nothing wrong with loving your country and being proud of your culture. It's the putting down of other races and lack of respect for other cultures that is the problem. But again, loving one's country is a right that everyone should exercise.

Tyr@: I don't care if bands are anti-religious. I think most religions destroy to much things. But most bands with anti-religious lyrics respect the people who are religious and have only problems with the religion. When bands have lyrics over nazism and racism they respect some people not because of that reason.
And your comparison of Storm and Rob Halford..well in my oppinion that's have nothing to do with eachother.
There's good music around and I shouldn't listen to it because people who have made it have ideals which I can't relate to?

I don't think so. If some part of the lyrics seems racist, I can easily ignore that just like any other stupid lyrics.
I mean, if there's some stupid (ie racist, common satanic/religious crap, other nonsense) lyrics included, that doesn't lower the meaning and value of other lyrics and thoughts within the very same booklet which may be intelligent and thought provoking in a good way.

hmm.. I gotta go, see you later :)