Nazi, rasicm etc...

his actions speak louder than his words. And even though he may claim to be a heathen he couldn't be further removed from its principles if he tried to be. The only thing Varg can claim to be is scum.
@Fleischwolf: I never said that. I think you read something in the 'gothic/darkwave thread where I said that I listen to some syntesizer stuff of Burzum. anyway that stuff is boring!!! I read that he made that album in the jail, haha!
Um, lots of things to say here....

Religion is only partly chosen. I cannot speak for anyone else, but at least I could not just say; "hey, this is a nice religion, I want to have this as my religion", and then start believe in it. Something I believe in, something I don't. I don't choose to believe in it or not. Either I do or I don't. The same way, I don't schoose what person I want to be. I couldn't change myself, because then I would no longer be me.

Love for one's own country and culture is NOT the same as hate for others'. If I say I love person, it doesn't mean I hate another. Thinking otherwise is just plain silly. And if I don't like one country, or a person that is not norwegian, that does not make me racist. I don't love all norwegians; the same way, I don't love all foreigners. If I don't like one kind of music, that does not mean I hate it, or that I don't have any respect for the ones who do. It's the same about liking or disliking a country or culture. The world is not black and white. It has COLOURS!

Racism is not just one way. In a school I went to in Oslo, most of the racism (that could be seen openly) was against the norwegians. Especiallyt topwards norwegian girls. Many had to accept being called whores just for being norwegin girls; because they went out after school, used make-up, wore clothes that was not loose-fitting. It was said that all nor. girls sleep with guys (this is girls from 13-16), so therefore it was not wrong to do what you wanted with them. They were whores anyway! If they dared to say anything against, they were considered racists. Saying this is not being racist, it's being honest.

There are no person for who I have no respect as a person. However, I can have no respect for someone's actions. Views, I have more tolerance for. I think everyone is entitled to whatever view they want/have. The line goes in acting on these views.

Therefore, I respect Varg Vikernes as a person. I also respect him for his knowledge. He is a smart person, and very good to express himself. I do respect his feelings (including those concerning nazism). However, I do not respect that he burt down those churces. Nor that he killed another person, or promoting nazism through his book (an action). But I do respect him. And don't tell me this is hypocritical; it is not. It is acknowledging differences.