Nazism and Asatru

It is still very funny to hear people proclaim themselves to be fascists, neo whatever, communists,... when they are just tools of the establishments.
To be honest, the few so called neo-nazi I have met at shows ... were probably as dumb as a rock who could not articulate their opinion to save their own life.
Religion used to attain political goals has always had devastating effects as most people will just blindly follow the shepherd and not take a pause to think.
You can say the same thing about the swastika, the cross,... all were supposed to be signs of love or compassion but in good hands were turned in tools of war.
This century is going to be the century of war many had been longing for as religion will once again be the tool of war.
These last few days I've been highly angry discovering that Asatru and the Vikings are highly related to Nazism a.k.a. psychopatics... Such has nothing to do in reality but as always happens the truth is puked over by the myths and human errors of the past especially the history.

I was concious of the fact that there were times where asatru was considered as the nazist religion but never made me angry so much until today, where I discovered varies psychopatic movements who want to give bad image to asatru saying they are Asatru followers..... mainly the same story as what regards Satanism....


I love Asatru (though I'm still a beginner) but I want to achieve and practice the real true Asatru and Gods without being disturbed with mis-information from these mentally illed people.... REMEMBER:- BEING A NAZI SHOWS HOW BRAINWASHED YOU ARE.... COZ THAT WHAT THEY DID IN THEIR TIME... THEY BAISED MEDIA SO THAT TO COVER THE ONGOING GENOCIDE!!!!


Nazism is psychopatic? mmmh... either you should study the basics of psychology, or you should check out nazism.

"bieng nazi shows how brainwashed you are.. coz that what they did in their time...".
How about today? is there nazi brainwashing today? No, today theres an opposed brainwashing, one of human rights, loving your neighbor, and being anti racist.
I'm not saying nazis today aren't brainwashed in some way, i'm saying that the fact they WERE brainwashed by the media over 50 years ago isn't a proof that they are brainwashed now. they are probably brainwashed by friends or something, not by mass media. The people who are the most brainwashed these days are guys like you, who try to look good and seem "mad" about racists by using caps although you know fuck all.

I find it normal that nazis who feel like being religious turn to asatru. Where else would they turn? Christianity? a semite religion? If i feel like critisizing religious nazis, it would be the christian nazis because thats totally idiotic. the first testiment is all about the burden of the poor jewish people. A nazi christian is a dumb ass. A nazi odinist or european pagan is much more comprehensible and normal.

I'm sorry that asatruars and other pagans are given a bad image, and looked upon as being nazis because neo nazis today use pagan symbols as well, but fucking live with it and stop being a cry baby. its not hard to explain that its a misconception. apolitic or commie skinheads have to explain they're not nazis as well. If you really don't want to be considered a nazi, do what these skinhead fags do : wear anti nazi patches to prove it and avoid getting your ass kicked.

i for my part, am not a nazi. Yet i am racially aware. For me, an asatruar who is a leftist dumb ass and who votes for mass immigration political parties is absolutely not at all conscient that he won't achieve his goal of bringing paganism back to europe if he accepts that millions and millions of muslim arabs and blacks come to his land.
Sure, fight christianity cause its "okay" to do so. The hypocrisy is that you don't do the same for islam. Christianity in europe has evolved, we don't get burnt for being pagan anymore. But the exponential islamisation of europe may bring to another "dark ages" through this intollerant and brutal religion that has not yet evolved like christianity has.
I am for racially oriented paganism.

PS: i know an enormous amount of nazi, fascist or nationalist people here (not just skinheads, most of these people are not skinheads... at least in France).
And i can tell you many of them are quite intelligent people, courageous and trustworthy. They all have their own story, their own thoughts. i respect them immensly.
But for the skinheads, let us not forget that if they are true skinheads they are working class, they like drinking and fighting. Don't expect ALL of them to be intellectual geniuses. But now, you people are making a misconception as well... the misconception of saying that all nazis/fascists are dumbasses because you met a few skinheads... wow. talk about being hypocritical.
wow man... seems like all this came 10x to asatru dedication...WISDOM.... i would really need such... so what about christians? what do you feel towards them!! i feel something between hate and anger!!

btw... i hope i didn't gave the impression of being in favour of extremism or nazism.... if so that wasn't my point but when hate things may look different from what they are meant to be

most christian people didnt choose to be christian and got dipped en t3h water when they were like 4 weeks old, and got indoctrinated by their parents (who got indoctrinated by theirs etc, etc, etc..). so i dont hate most christian people, exept for the extremists etc. i do hate the religion itself though.

About nazism (or at least antisemitism), well, its kinda the same as antichrism.. and i get the feeling youre a bit antichristian so dont get your panties wet
Bleh, I could handle the dipping in the water... but, no, instead I had to get saddled with the name of Kristian. My parents haven't even gone to church in 25 years, except for weddings and suchlike. I still wonder WTF they were thinking.
i hadn't time to read all such coz it smells of bullshit.. am i right? btw know me before acussing me of being racist coz yor speech is a proof that i am right and you are litteraly mad about such that ur accusing me of being racist.... history tought as all.... that hitler was nothing but a puppet on a string of his generals and so on because they were mentally ill, mate.... the fact that makes me sick most is that 1st nazis used asatru in a bad way so that to attract more power using heritage i.e. for political use... 2nd that people like you still are closed minded and try to be cool justifying nazism and all of its vomitable acts... but such doesn't show how strong you are... far from that.... such show how much afraid you are which in the end we all know that phobia lead many ppl to genocides and other human shit... nazist killed every single jew coz they were afraid that someday they would dominate them.... they even killed poorest ones who had no hope of finding any comfort in society... and if such would have happened genocide is never the solution.... discusions therefore wisdom is always the best way in which everyone could live in peace without damaging future perspectives of others...... there were millions and millions of ways in which they could have dealt with the Jewish immagrants influx.....btw i'll wear for sure an anti-nazist badge of any other accessory and the fact that i'm mad about such situation is because i really care about asatru though i'm still a beginner

Cheers mate and think about it ;-)

Nazism is psychopatic? mmmh... either you should study the basics of psychology, or you should check out nazism.

"bieng nazi shows how brainwashed you are.. coz that what they did in their time...".
How about today? is there nazi brainwashing today? No, today theres an opposed brainwashing, one of human rights, loving your neighbor, and being anti racist.
I'm not saying nazis today aren't brainwashed in some way, i'm saying that the fact they WERE brainwashed by the media over 50 years ago isn't a proof that they are brainwashed now. they are probably brainwashed by friends or something, not by mass media. The people who are the most brainwashed these days are guys like you, who try to look good and seem "mad" about racists by using caps although you know fuck all.

I find it normal that nazis who feel like being religious turn to asatru. Where else would they turn? Christianity? a semite religion? If i feel like critisizing religious nazis, it would be the christian nazis because thats totally idiotic. the first testiment is all about the burden of the poor jewish people. A nazi christian is a dumb ass. A nazi odinist or european pagan is much more comprehensible and normal.

I'm sorry that asatruars and other pagans are given a bad image, and looked upon as being nazis because neo nazis today use pagan symbols as well, but fucking live with it and stop being a cry baby. its not hard to explain that its a misconception. apolitic or commie skinheads have to explain they're not nazis as well. If you really don't want to be considered a nazi, do what these skinhead fags do : wear anti nazi patches to prove it and avoid getting your ass kicked.

i for my part, am not a nazi. Yet i am racially aware. For me, an asatruar who is a leftist dumb ass and who votes for mass immigration political parties is absolutely not at all conscient that he won't achieve his goal of bringing paganism back to europe if he accepts that millions and millions of muslim arabs and blacks come to his land.
Sure, fight christianity cause its "okay" to do so. The hypocrisy is that you don't do the same for islam. Christianity in europe has evolved, we don't get burnt for being pagan anymore. But the exponential islamisation of europe may bring to another "dark ages" through this intollerant and brutal religion that has not yet evolved like christianity has.
I am for racially oriented paganism.

PS: i know an enormous amount of nazi, fascist or nationalist people here (not just skinheads, most of these people are not skinheads... at least in France).
And i can tell you many of them are quite intelligent people, courageous and trustworthy. They all have their own story, their own thoughts. i respect them immensly.
But for the skinheads, let us not forget that if they are true skinheads they are working class, they like drinking and fighting. Don't expect ALL of them to be intellectual geniuses. But now, you people are making a misconception as well... the misconception of saying that all nazis/fascists are dumbasses because you met a few skinheads... wow. talk about being hypocritical.
so you realize that the Maltese had their own religion before christianity? Your ancestors...

yeap they had.... but they ""CONVERTED""....looooooool.... when st paul naufragated on our island.... such a total bulshit... who knows what they have done? i dont know... but looking to other blood ending pagan communities would not convince me that they converted so easily
1st according to a friend of mine.... germanic gods came from the maltese paganism which in reality seems to be an old pagan form in europe...Mnajdra Temples show it all.... 2nd because i feel a certain pull from these gods... and i'm interested to know more about them... i still do not practice... thats y i say im a beginner.. coz in these things one must take his time and be patient... spirituality is not something to be taken for granted why do you hail Odin and the germanic gods?
Since this is yet ... another nazi/nationalism-question thread like the one we had a few weeks ago ... (browsing forum before posting fyi).

I am sure that Celtik will confirm this; that in France the situation is so desperate in regards to lousy socialits that have been like a cancer killing this country for decades; so desperate that the FN (french national party) has put billboards with blacks and muslims joining their ranks. For some of them the system has failed and now the FN is being seen as the only party that could salvage the situation, or represent their voice.
The only problem is that France (like most countries) is such a fake democracy that if the FN was ever to win, the whole system would fall apart. Socialists scums would scream and cry for new elections, when the same people have failed their own people by lying to the population, sugarcoating the reality with false hope.