Nazism and Asatru

the problem today is that many people WANT to believe in "cool" paganism instead of being drawn to it. Thats what i critisize.

That's valid, I think... but it's usually pretty easy to tell the difference between people who truly value or believe in something, and people who just think it's neat and will "grow out of it".
sory if there are now a bit other theme to talk about, but back to the first post i now that some here try to steal a Mjölnir from my frien who wear it in the moment. they stole it from his neck, really crazy. Then they said he would be a fuckin Nazi and ran away with it.
So in my opinion also the Nazis and these who say all with a Mjölnir are Nazis asses. don't know the right meaning and do things caused of this, that hurt really for these who know about asatru.
(Sorry for my english, really hard to write this way, but can't be quite anymore.)
Tomorow at 12 Ill be receiving my christmas.... hmm... yule gift from my girlfriend. This was possible because of a bus driver we know that ordered the thing for my girlfriend so she could give to me.The bus driver himself is Asatru i think. The gift is a hammer from Viking Shield. Anywayz, I'll wear it proudly.

Hail to the wise...
Well if someone choses to be a nazi and follow the same faith as me i could not care less i find bleeding heart liberal idiots to be a far greater threat myself.Well and anyway no one has the right to say who shall come to this faith nazi or otherwise by that logic i could say only people from northern europe belong in this faith no one else which would even cut out a big number of my european brothers and sisters.My fear is more liberals trying to turn this into some dumb ass version of the wiccian faith but like i said before we can not chose who embraces this faith so with saying that im done.-ken
A bleeding heart liberal idiot is no more or less of an idiot then a reactionary conservative idiot :)

Of course, seeing as all the conservatives I know are also hardline Christian evangelicals, that does tend to lead to a certain amount of bias.
Well if someone choses to be a nazi and follow the same faith as me i could not care less i find bleeding heart liberal idiots to be a far greater threat myself.Well and anyway no one has the right to say who shall come to this faith nazi or otherwise by that logic i could say only people from northern europe belong in this faith no one else which would even cut out a big number of my european brothers and sisters.My fear is more liberals trying to turn this into some dumb ass version of the wiccian faith but like i said before we can not chose who embraces this faith so with saying that im done.-ken

I don't think you can associate nazism to a "faith" and relate it to faith with paganism or other religions, nazism has never been a faith but more of an ideology and political stance related to socialism.
I don't know man, your whole post seems very vague or please chose the right words to express your idea.
The only way nazism could be associated to religion/faith is through its early conception with the Thule society. The way you post it, seem very uninformed.
Well let me make it clearer if someone choses to be a nazi and they are a odinist i don't care i have nothing for them or against them you tried to link the two in the reply my comment was mainly i think liberals are more of a danger trying to alter the faith of heathenism.-ken
I don't think you can associate nazism to a "faith" and relate it to faith with paganism or other religions, nazism has never been a faith but more of an ideology and political stance related to socialism.
I don't know man, your whole post seems very vague or please chose the right words to express your idea.
The only way nazism could be associated to religion/faith is through its early conception with the Thule society. The way you post it, seem very uninformed.
that is not true im a mod. conservative i agree with most of the platform with the exception of the christian faith and i would have to disagree with you there liberals are some serious idiots.-ken
A bleeding heart liberal idiot is no more or less of an idiot then a reactionary conservative idiot :)

Of course, seeing as all the conservatives I know are also hardline Christian evangelicals, that does tend to lead to a certain amount of bias.
My point was... they're all idiots. Then again, I don't believe that any form of government can properly represent the great masses of people that have accumulated in most of the current nations. I can't honestly relate to much of anything bigger then a large family/clan/whatever the word is in your language, at least not as people who's interests I should be defending.
True anyone asatru gay black or whatever group that they fit if they think that the liberals or conservatives will do anything for them they are wrong and are really blind in my point of view.True in american we are far to many people from far to many places that always someone will get left behind and that person or persons will feel like they are a ghost in this society and that is where the anger is born.I care about 5 things in life my two kids 2-my wife 3 -my asatru faith 4-my so/so writing 5-follow brothers and sisters of northern europe and here in the states.Everything else is last.-ken
My point was... they're all idiots. Then again, I don't believe that any form of government can properly represent the great masses of people that have accumulated in most of the current nations. I can't honestly relate to much of anything bigger then a large family/clan/whatever the word is in your language, at least not as people who's interests I should be defending.
I'd tend to be more racially aware... if most of the people who tried to fuck me over weren't of the same race/heritage. Black, white, Christian, Muslim, Wiccan... it really matters not to me, I'm down to pretty much hating everyone, unless given reason otherwise.
being racially aware isn't automatically about other races fucking you over.
you can be racially aware and not hate and despise other races.
Being racially aware is about being aware of the existance of your race and wanting your people to survive.. which is totally normal (at least it was for white people until 50 years ago when they started their self-blame shit).
Hehe, I think we had this "race vs culture" argument before. My personal experience has led me to make more of upbringing then I do of genetics. I don't really identify with being white, but I do identify with my family, and not all of them are white, so.... yeah.
being racially aware isn't automatically about other races fucking you over.
you can be racially aware and not hate and despise other races.
Being racially aware is about being aware of the existance of your race and wanting your people to survive.. which is totally normal (at least it was for white people until 50 years ago when they started their self-blame shit).

I'm entirely racially aware, and It pisses me off that most white people arent (in america). I got in an argument with this fucking bastard just yesterday, because I said I was proud to be Norse, and he kept trying to turn it into me being a white supremesist. I hate how I see so many rural white kids trying to be ghetto black kids; speaking with terrible ebonics, and wearing fubu and fucking doorags...they don't even know what doorags are for (yes, they serve a purpose for nappy hair). Why? Why try to be someone different? Probably because thats what MTV says is cool at the moment. However, a big reason still lies with the fact that people dont know, or care to know about where THEY come from, and that makes me angry.

However, I need to say I don't agree at all with the statement by Black Birds that only people from northern europe can be Asatru. Why do you believe that? What if the religion is true? Italians, or Greeks still can't believe it? I don't agree with that philosophy at all.

And as for politics. ANy extremist is an idiot. I am more conservative, because I dont believe in overly powerful governments, and I dont agree with someone else telling me whats good for me, and I dont agree with my taxes being used for things i dont agree with. However...This wholse "Schism" that america has of blue vs red is absolutely rediculous.
OK, now that finally managed to make sense to me. Sorry Celtik, I guess I took your words the wrong way.

And yeah, American politics are fucking retarded. When people ask me, I tell them I'm an anarchist, and will vote for whichever one I think more likely to fuck things up totally. People stop asking for my support after that. :)