Swamp Yankee
Alright, I've been able to follow you so far, but trying to figure out three dimensional time has broken my poor little brain. I'm going back to making loud noises and hitting things with rocks. 

the old native religions are very much on the upswing, now that it's OK to be pagan w/o getting punished.
You know, I can see your point of being anti-bandwagon. But "Thats your ancestral culture, stick to it." just... irks me. I'm pretty willing to bet a majority of people who practice pagan faiths were not born into a pagan culture. At least the older folks, anyway. Now, I could be wrong, and some of you could've been born into families that had kept the old faith alive for the past millennium or so. Lucky you. Most of the rest of the people had to rediscover it for themselves. Aren't you the one who keeps bringing up the re-paganization of Europe? Good luck with that, if only those of Germanic/Celtic descent are welcome. It's worked real well every other time it's been tried.
Alright, I've been able to follow you so far, but trying to figure out three dimensional time has broken my poor little brain. I'm going back to making loud noises and hitting things with rocks.![]()
@Nightmare: The first goal of asatru is respect. The second is knowledge. The Germanic cultures existed long before Christianity ever reached that far north. There is nothing in any of the asatru myths or texts that I can personally think of that promotes "fight against Catholicism". If there had been, all those people would not have been converted.
But I don't see the link between germanic religion and hatred against Islam (like in some signatures).
Dude, duct tape is a wonderful thing for things that don't want to stick together. If they stick but shouldn't, then WD40 is great. For poor little brains, duct tape, for sure.Sorry, didn't mean to break it, hence the caveat. It's such a deep frigging concept that takes forever to figure out how to actually do if you don't live like that. So, before you read any farther, apply duct tape:
Try to think of it this way: In a nature religion, you are not just a bystander of nature (for example). You live in nature, you eat the things that it brings, you believe that all the energy or spirits from those that came before, but also those who came after live there. You have a relationship to upkeep with those spirits, which is why you cannot cut down plants and animals left, right and centre, and you have to tell the stories and also upkeep the burial site etc. So, in the long run, you are part of nature just as much as it is part of you, but also, your ancestors and those who come after are a part of your daily life. Example: Sexuality. Eroticism, lovemagic and love myths are a part of sexuality. Oftentimes, their purpose is to prepare a person for marriage. Marriage in itself is often a religious act, and married life is part of family life, the family in turn falls under the heading of the clan, which filters out into things like relations between the genders, how the ageing are cared for, how children are raised. All of those things combined form one cohesive unit that we as archaeologists refer to as one culture. Within such a culture with a threedimensional time frame, you can not only exist here and now, but really, since everything is here and now, you are within the past, the present and the future all at the same time, only you can vary the depth, the height and so on. But what you cannot do is remove one of those variables, such as faily, religion, sex or whatever, and study it or practise it on its own. That is because if you think of the threedimensional culture as a cube made of blocks, and you remove a bunch of blocks from somewhere in the middle of the cube, the whole thing implodes, right? You have to study it as a whole, with all the blocks in place. Hence we have to try to rely a bit on ethnoarchaeology to study the whole culture, or we can never understand it fully, since we as archaeologists more often than not find only bones and artefacts, i.e. two or three vaiables out of 1000 within the culture. You can try to practise only some of the aspects/blocks, such as the religion, but if you do that, oftentimes you miss the fundamental point of the religion, because things like symbolism and inflection etc can be so incredibly subtle.
If that didn't break your brain, nothing will.
Yes, any tattoo artist worth his or her salt. You go in, tell him what you want, bring sample pictures from the net or a book, tell him roughly what you have in mind. Then you let him draw something up, come back a few days later and actually get the work done if you like it.P.S Anyone know of someone that could help me design that tattoo fully? i only have it imaged in my head.
WHen I studied Greek tragedy I believe it was, we lookad at the 3D time frame, and I believe the example my teacher gave us was that of standing on a hill, overlooking a valley, seeing a caravan travelling from one edge to the other, but seeing every instance of their journey at the same time.
I think this is what I reffered to earlier as a 'circle'. Anyway, my question is: what happens if you not remove a piece of this system/circle/cube/culture, but add something which was never there? Do you understand? Like if you pur a piece from a totally different "cube" - will that not mess things up? It's like in movies where they time travel and change a tiny detail which has huge impact of the history of the world.
yeah, i know the "thats your ancestral culture, stick to it" might sound a little harsh to say. I said that for Bloodland cause he's quite an annoying little fellow.
I'm not gonna stop anyone from wanting to be pagan even if i find it ridiculous that someone follows another people's ancestral culture and religion. I don't comprehend that, just how i don't comprehend wiggers. To me its quite the same thing. But at least they are interested in paganism, perhaps later in their lives they'll want to check out their own ancestral religion and feel closer to it, instead of hailing viking myths cause its today's trend... and perhaps more accessible for people in the metal scene or something.
It wouldn't be surprising that if black metal had started in italy and we had "Roman metal", many people would hail Mars and the roman empire's fascistic and imperialistic grimness... instead of the dark northern "brutal" grimness.
and i never said only those of germanic and celtic descent are welcome to be pagan. all peoples were pagan, all peoples can be pagan. An italian can praise the roman pantheon, an irishman the celtic pantheon, a dutch the german pantheon, a polish the slavic pantheon...etc... we can all be pagan and still follow our own traditions instead of appropriating ourselves that of others.
you know what?! i don't know how and especially why but as a rival i'm beginning to respect you.
There seems to be few in common between us... you don't understand me... and maybe i don't understand you.... but something is growing a certain respect towards... don't believe me if you want but thats true... and regarding your reply to what i told you in pg 3.... mate, you're so bloody fucking contradictive... mate you're worse than the bible.... let me tell you... because you don't know what oyu write and you contradict yourself....btw stop being arrogant and a dick-head pretending to understand everything and pretending to have such a fucking experience because though you seem to have much... it revealed to be useless for coz you didn't learn nothing from... therefore better go and hide yourself under a stone and stay there waiting your death coz ppl like you are totally uselesss in this fucking globe.
I think so, but that's probably because no one is in swinging range of another. The biggest problem with the internet, no way to smack someone upside the head and tell them to shut up.The main argument is beyond me, I don't really get where either one is coming from.