ND giveaways soon!

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Hey everyone, very soon we will be putting up several items on the website to be given away. It will be a contest of sorts, and we pretty much know how we're going to do it, but we're interested in your ideas as well. So let us know, what you would like to see as a contest, or something special to be chosen for some unique items.

We'll be giving away CD's, t-shirts, and signed copies of the tour CD, which is impossible to get from us unless you came to a past live show, among some other things!

So, let us know your ideas!
Heres an idea:
A bunch of people enter their names, and whoever is named "Max Lewis" wins. :D

If you wanted to make money off of it you could do it so that when you order something off of the webstore your name is entered... then at a certain date, a random name is chosen.
Well I'm differently going to participate in that contest. hope you also ship over seas, if I should be so lucky to win.

Maybe you should have a contest about peoples knowledge of good music. Or maybe you could get people to send pictures that somehow relates to Novembers Doom in one way or another :) Hope you come up with some good ideas.
Speaking of the tour cd's, do you have any more that you might be able to send me? I'm down to my last two. The last one I gave was to a pizza delivery guy who started talking metal with me, and he talked about Ozzfest, and I mentioned about 50 better bands that are out there, and told him to check it out, and gave him the info about the re-release, and the recording. I'll post any contest ideas that I come up with later on.
BlackwaterNymph said:

Win a date with Vito.

I like the ND pictures idea, it would be interesting to see what some of us would come up with.
You'd probably be the only person who could put up with me on a date for more than 15 minutes, considering our fondness of sci-fi related topics. ;)
Vito's dream is to have a girl dress up like a green Orion Slave Girl from Star Trek and dance around his room half naked while listening to Symphony X, then she'd pleasure him while he watches the entire "Alien" movie series on dvd... If someone was willing to do that, I'd say they get the dream date AND a signed cd.
BalanceofPower said:
You'd probably be the only person who could put up with me on a date for more than 15 minutes, considering our fondness of sci-fi related topics. ;)
Ooooh....hey baby, what's a nice energy pattern like you doing in a quadrant like this? :p

If a date to you is a all night sci-fi marathon, pizza, and looking through boxes of nerd books going "ooooo you gotta read THIS!" then I can't wait :grin:
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Vito's dream is to have a girl dress up like a green Orion Slave Girl from Star Trek and dance around his room half naked while listening to Symphony X, then she'd pleasure him while he watches the entire "Alien" movie series on dvd... If someone was willing to do that, I'd say they get the dream date AND a signed cd.
This man knows me better than I know myself!