need a new pda/cell phone

No excuses now, the boy got me a smurtphone for Christmas. It's the Nokia e71 I had looked at before. Just waiting for Straight Talk to transfer my number from the old phone.

I still don't know what all this barcode scanning business is about :p

nokia committed corporate suicide when it decided to go with windows phone
well ... i think this one will be a winner ... just announced at CES

seriously considering this ... Windows phones have received almost universal praise so far ... the interface looks really slick.
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I have preordered an Asus Transformer Prime tablet. In Sweden you can only get it together with the dock/keyboard.
Trying to read up on what apps/games I shall get for it.

It's the best Android tablet on the market at the moment.
Yes, name a tablet with better specs that is available right now.
I take offense at you slagging Asus, you clearly don't know your shit ;)
let me show you something about your "universal praise"

"android sucks" on google, 43100 hits
"windows phone sucks" 137000 hits

how long has android been out? how long has windows phone been out?