need a new pda/cell phone

i think most of us look for an answer on how to keep doing what we are doing but still save money ...
Don't Buy Stuff You Can't Afford:

Eh, I can't even be superior anymore. We were 100% debt free for like 2 years, now we have almost $5k on a credit card and two car payments. Add up the bank and investments and we could pay it all off, but wouldn't have too much left for emergency bass purchases. And now we're shopping for a house...

Me: "What's it called when you have more debt than wealth?"
Wife: "It's called being stupid."

Practically. We're looking at a lot of decent ones for like $175k right now.

I want to move to Forest Falls but the commute kinda sucks. It's a god damn mountain town right at the snow line with CHEAP living.

Awesome everything except the distance. Still thinking about it anyhow, my commute wouldn't be awful and she wants a new job anyhow.

Odds are we'll just stay here, dream of moving to Canada, and then do nothing about it. IT'S THE AMERICAN LEFTIST WAY.
I was in the car with the in-laws a few nights ago and everyone was talking about moving to Canada and then the stopping point was me: "oh, well Adrian probably won't go" and I had to say "HEY! Everyone in this car who has taken their pre-Canadian citizenship test raise their hand."

I passed that shit in 2004 after Bush got re-elected. :loco:

Actually I'm getting a little nervous right now. The Supreme Court gutted the 4th Amendment the other day and I honestly felt sick to my stomach for hours. I'm sure they will kill the healthcare thing too, at this rate I'd be surprised if they didn't.

I really don't get why Americans are this stupid. It's really not that great of a place for the VAST majority of people here, yet not only do we do nothing to stop it, but we actively encourage our own self-destruction.

"But some day I'll be president!"
No you won't.

"I'll get rich eventually!"
You were born poor, and there you stay.

"Faggots are an abomination!"
That really doesn't matter.


And yes, this is in the cell phone thread. I'm just as apathetic in a lot of ways myself, I blow all my money on fancy fuzz pedals. Whoops. :Spin:
I really don't get why Americans are this stupid. It's really not that great of a place for the VAST majority of people here, yet not only do we do nothing to stop it, but we actively encourage our own self-destruction.

This. I have yet to understand how all the uneducated poor people in this country came to support the Republican Party who very obviously pushes legislation that favors the other end of the socio-economic spectrum.
I love anti-welfare talk, shit cracks me up. Welfare is property insurance the non-poor.


Seriously. Do it. I would LOVE to see that. But give me a few weeks warning so I can buy a lot of guns and food.

EDIT: Actually probably nothing would happen anyhow. Eh, who knows.
america is supposed to be about the FREEDOM to make stupid/self destructive choices

if you want/need MOMMY GOV to protect and take care of you move to canada or europe then

equal opportunity does NOT mean equal success

if you were born in the ghetto to shitty parents that is YOUR problem to overcome, not MINE to subsidize

from my cold dead hands

I agree with all these points of view ...
the ghetto fights for welfare ... hey, they're fighting.
i think this is very unfair to orwell

what 1984 was about, above all, was the effects of constant surveillance by the state on its citizens

and THAT is highly relevant when looking at society today and the kind of complete loss of privacy & control of one's personal life by corporations and/or the government afforded by things like CLOUD STORAGE and GMAIL and CELL PHONES and INTERNET-CONNECTED TV'S WITH ALWAYS-ON CAMERAS (literally the same thing as the telescreens in the book, though no governments use them to surveil their citizens, yet)

EDIT: also the revision of news and books going on in MINITRUE and destruction of all earlier versions of the truth is not only happening today to a certain extent, but will undoubtedly happen on a larger scale as mega-corporations sink their claws deeper into the internet and as printed papers and books (especially for news/magazines) are phased out in favour of remotely-stored electronic texts

many times i have seen news websites revise stories without any notification that such revision had taken place, and without retaining the previous version. i'm sure it's innocent and done in a genuine effort to improve the article in most cases but we are skiing slippery slopes indeed
Say WHAT? :err:


just a few models have this so far, but i would wager they're about to become pretty ubiquitous, and i would also wager they are INEVITABLY going to be hacked by people/corporations/governments with less than your best interests in mind

that is, if governments would even NEED to hack them. i mean i hate to be the tinfoil hat guy, but there is plenty of precedence for governments forcing tech companies to build backdoors into various software and hardware