Need an amp to compliment a 6505

Dawn Patrol said:
Didn't Hatebreed use a 8100?

From Perseverence up to the new one, I believe it's all TSL. Live, for a while, I know that Sean Martin was using a Mode Four and TSL together, punching the TSL in and out at times for dynamic impact.

Seems like I've read it's all TSL on the albums, though.

I love their latest disc, but the guitar tones completely suck, IMHO. They are a fizzy muddy mess. Which, to me, is modern Marshalls all the way! :Puke:
theblackmoon said:
Am I the only one that likes Marshalls in here?

Nope. I love the JCM DSL with a tube screamer (double drive pedal). I have the 100 watt one and I think it sounds better than my triple rec. The triple rec I have is way too muddy with the pick definition even with a tube screamer.
Your brutal man! They are pretty simple, but I'm not gonna rip on em.:lol:
I think Sean Martin's tone is pretty righteous...
Man have you checked out the Bogner Uberschall?! Pretty high dollar, but I'm convinced it's the tone for me!
i run a 5150 and cobra together, and together they sound like world war III


i can't bring both amps to most gigs tho, so usually i just run the framus halfstack
cobhc said:
Sounds nothing like a Mesa, for what they charge, that amp sucks ass dude.

i don't think that at100 sounds terribly similar to a recto either....however, i've played them several times and i do think they're good amps for the money
they're both running an eminence governer/manowar x pattern

frankly the splawn just sounds's bigger sounding, and projects better; the marshall sounds very good but it's kinda thin and harsh compared to the splawn

i actually just sold that marshall cab unloaded about a week ago, and ordered a splawn slant 4x12...which will make 3 splawn cabs i currently own

i've got v30's in this one...

you thought about using a combination of podxt and 6550?

it can sound VERY good,

i've had good results using the dezil model in the metal pack (esp for chordal choruses).

I'm not really a fan of Just pod but i really like mixing it with amps.

joeymusicguy said:
this definately doesnt come from my mouth but...

i HEARD that a b-52 sounds just like a dual rect, and is a lot cheaper (it has triple rect structure as far as tubes and amp staging goes?)

my friend has a b-52 and i have a dual rec..the b-52 sounds like crap next to the dual rec
Sounds nothing like a Mesa, for what they charge, that amp sucks ass dude.

i´ve played a few times with b-52, it´s similar to a dual rect, but this doesn´t mean thats sound that close, i like that amp, sound nice and is cheap, i like more than peavey stuff like that JSX (the joe satriani one) head, in my opinion this amp sucks and is more expensive than the b-52.