erkan, do some processing on those vocals, i kind of liked the first one, and i'm liking this new sample a lot more!
he has heaps of potential, a little flat in some places, but I like it. I reakon with some processing it will sound rad (comp, delay, saturation and tune them)
Absolutely, you guys have a point. It all sounds like shit and once I've gotten the real drums in and then made the vox really sit in the mix it's gonna sound much better.
Alright, once again it seems like it's around 50/50 for those who like him and those who do not. I guess that's not too bad though considering not everyone can like the same music either. I guess the important thing now is that I like the vocals myself and believe they can work. As I have said, gonna make him try punching in a few bars at a time and I personally believe that's what this needs in order to become much better.