Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done/Period of your life


Sep 7, 2007
In our quest to know each other uncomfortably well, it seems a thread of this sort is in order.
every once and a while I play a game on my Xbox. Thats really about it. Ive never been into that. Id rather read.

oh, and for some reason I used to be obsessed with Elk's. Just thought id add that to it.
I used to play Magic. I got really really good at it. I played over the internet and was honestly one of the best...I've stopped. I still think it's a good game, though.
Also, I once came in 10th place at the National School Scrabble Tournament.
When I was around the age of 15 or 16 I used to spend hours at the computer everyday (all of my free time really) programming primarily in Python, Perl, PHP, and some Java.
I don't consider it nerdy (most probably will but it used to be hella fun) but, I used to play a game (MUD) called Dark Mists. It's pretty much World of Warcraft except text-based. Hardest game I've ever played. Literally takes years to understand all of the areas, equipment, and how the code works works.
The list is too long, but heres a few things.

I play Magic, even though I haven't played in a while.
When I saw something about a shooting, the reporter said "the shooter was on a killing spree" but he killed four people so I yelled "No he's dominating noob!" (DotA reference)

I went to Magic Day.

My favorite novels are usually fantasy novels.

I used to visit the card store daily.

I am a nerd. I like messing around with C++ and such, so I guess I really am a nerd. I do nerdy things every day.
When I saw something about a shooting, the reporter said "the shooter was on a killing spree" but he killed four people so I yelled "No he's dominating noob!" (DotA reference)
No. Virginia tech was dominating. Killing Spree is 5.
Oh, never mind. I was thinking half-life.

And I mostly read fantasy too. I hardly even consider it nerdy (even though I guess it definitely is).
I don't read much, partially due to the poor selection at the local library, but my preferred genre is fantasy.
I usually have to buy books at a bookstore.

Aside from me and my fantasy-reading friends, I don't know anyone who reads for pleasure.
I guess the nerdiest thing I do is read fantasy as well, but I don't consider it nerdy. I genuinely enjoy those books, and I don't think there's any reason to feel nerdy about that. I mean, writers like George R.R. Martin and R. Scott Bakker are genuinely good writers.
DotA is a custom mod for Warcraft 3 TFT. It's takes a combination of teamwork, skills, thinking ahead, reaction speed, and a bit of luck. It's takes elements from rts, rpgs, and pvps. These computer controlled things called creeps spawn every once in a while. While you control only one hero with 3 normal skills and a special skill called an ultimate. You buy items and level up the hero by things like farming. Then these things called creeps spawn every once in a while. They are controlled by the computer. You push the creeps into the opponents base killing the towers and barracks. I think I put everything.