Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

I don't know how weird or not this is, but if there's a list or group of items together, I feel the need to either arrange them by size/shape or in alphabetical order.

All my CDs have to be in alpha order. My refrigerator is usually organized by size/shape. My dresser drawers are organized by weight of the clothes: first drawer has panties/bras, second drawer socks and pantyhose, third drawer has tank tops and t-shirts, 4th and 5th drawers has shorts, sweats and jeans.

Oh, and I have to be the one who cleans the bathroom. I don't trust anyone else to do it right. If I do it, I know it's clean. That makes me happy. Weird probably, but it's the little things that matter, amirite?
I take really long in the shower, 25+ minutes usually. :/ Dunno if that counts but I just don't feel like I got the job done in less than that time. :/
I like to shower at other people's apartments. For some reason I think it's really cool to just take a shower while visiting someone.
I fuck with my hair a lot or look at myself. And not looking at my self in the mirror, but my bod. If I sit in a chair for example look at myself and think how hawt I am. I tend to take either hand and kinda glide it back over my ear a lot. Usually my left hand/ear. I don't even notice it a lot times or why I do it. My mind never really stops and think a lot of times it's why I have a bad smoking habit. It probably prevents me from going insane if am not actually insane to a certain point.
I think I'm partial OCD. I'll adjust my keyboard/speakers/mousepad until it's just right in relation to my monitor to play games and it bugs me if it's not, I always do little rituals before I go to sleep a lot of the time like checking in the mirror, then the locks on the door, then the mirror (really nonsensical), I like doing things in higher numbers (above 20-30) such as taking sips of things or pushing my fan to test how well it is in my window. You wouldn't know it just from regularly seeing me function but it's really weird yet it doesn't bother me/make me totally rage if I don't do it. I usually just do for some reason but not to the point of a real issue.

way to go thread for making me realize i'm fucked up haha
I check myself out in reflective surfaces, but I think that's "being vain" rather than a "strange habit."

Every morning I wake up and immediately grab my hips to make sure they're still there.
I do that all the time, especially if it's a glass pane in front of something dark, so I can see all the perfectly-chiseled Aryan structural features of my face without being able to see the skin itself.