Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

Most days in school I'll ignore my friends in the hallway. Usually when they walk past me and say hi or something I just ignore them and kind of pretend I didn't even see them. I don't know why I just can't help it.
I talk to myself all the time, when nobody's around. However, when I went to Rome I was processing so much information walking around the sights than I couldn't help constantly muttering.
I really like watching interviews, just for the way people interact with each other. A good interview makes me feel warm and fuzzy, regardless of who the two people are or what they're talking about.

I like to interview myself. Some nights I'll spend hours pacing in circles asking myself meaningless questions, answering them with the giddy satisfaction that someone cares what I think.
I talk to myself all the time, when nobody's around. However, when I went to Rome I was processing so much information walking around the sights than I couldn't help constantly muttering.

I did this my first couple days in Montreal.

I like to interview myself. Some nights I'll spend hours pacing in circles asking myself meaningless questions, answering them with the giddy satisfaction that someone cares what I think.

I often explain things to my imaginary immense detail. But while I'm doing other things.
Maybe you're embarrassed to be friends with them, I have a ton of friends I'm hesitant to be seen in public with. :lol:
I check myself out in mirrors all the time, but that's not so much a strange habit as me being a gigantic narcissist.

I also really, really, REALLY love reading and writing reviews of airlines and airports but this is not surprising to anyone.

Maybe you're embarrassed to be friends with them, I have a ton of friends I'm hesitant to be seen in public with. :lol:

I know thats not the case. There was this one kid I used to hang out that did the most obnoxious and stupid things everywhere he went. Most people always said they were embarrassed to hang out in public with him while I always just thought he was hilarious. The only problem was that I'd always burst out in uncontrollable laugher any time he did anything.
I had a friend I used to hang out with before, who really lacks common sense in certain social situations. We watched Lord Of The Rings together at the cinema, and I particularly remember him shouting really loud how unrealistic it was for Frodo to survive getting stabbed with that big spear in the caves. In situations like that I tried to make it seem like we didn't know each other.