Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

airsoft is pretty kick ass.


Honestly I think what draws me most towards airsoft rather than paintball,laser tag,etc. is the ability to customize loadouts/weapons.

But we have strayed from the topic.....

If i'm sitting in a room where it's dead quiet and everyone is just sort of sitting there awkwardly I end up yawning a lot.

I nod my head a lot when walking past people.
I tend to stretch a lot. Like I'll put my hands over my head, and pull them back over my head. Shits fucked up, and I have a feeling most people can't do that.

When ever I walk up the stairs, I put my hands on the steps above, so I walk up the stairs like a dog.

I do this too :lol:

Holy shit I thought I was the only one :lol:

Edit: When I'm bothered with someone, like, to the point of being pissed off, rather than speak to them, I'll type a two-page message to them online... it's not that I don't want to talk to their face, it's that it's easier to formulate my thoughts online... my train of thought sometimes goes off-track IRL. I spend too much time on here. :lol:

I noticed lately when I'm browsing the internet that when I go from one page to another, I usually open a new tab and close the other, instead of just using the same tab to go to the new page. It's like I feel "dirty" for using the same tab for different sites, or something.
I HATE getting my feet sandy/dirty and then having to put shoes on; it is borderline crippling/Aspergers esque. When I was 18 and hiking in the mountains in Tucson with my family we had to cross a shallow creek and boy oh boy did I not want to put my shoes back on. Kind of horrible.
It's called worrying about foot fungus. Nothing wrong with that, some of my firefighting course mates suffered that when we were in Brunei for a hiking/camping trip. And the smell on their feet as soon as they removed their socks was funky. Some how I didn't suffer from it, lucky I guess.

I noticed lately when I'm browsing the internet that when I go from one page to another, I usually open a new tab and close the other, instead of just using the same tab to go to the new page. It's like I feel "dirty" for using the same tab for different sites, or something.

I do this too, don't worry.
Not always, but I've got the annoying habit of double or triple-checking on electric appliances I may have forgotten to turn off after I leave the house. Got me in too late for some important appointments, including job interviews. :erk:
In the past couple months I've developed a serious over-blinking problem. It won't be long until it looks like my face muscles are on steroids.