Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

I always scratch the back of my neck if I'm nervous.

I can never leave the TV volume on an odd number with the exception of 5,15,25, etc.
When I play laser tag (yeah), specifically when I am playing defense, I like to sing parts of pop songs and show tunes. Loudly.

I pretty habitually chew my bottom lip... I rip a chunk of skin off time to time... eat it... and then keep doing it. My lip over the years has formed a scar (or atleast it appears to be a scar) across pretty much my entire bottom lip.
When I play laser tag (yeah), specifically when I am playing defense, I like to sing parts of pop songs and show tunes. Loudly.


It's probably because of the lasers.
Blow some money and Airsoft, a real man's game :lol:.
I pretty habitually chew my bottom lip... I rip a chunk of skin off time to time... eat it... and then keep doing it. My lip over the years has formed a scar (or atleast it appears to be a scar) across pretty much my entire bottom lip.

I chew off skin from my lips when it gets loose. I don't think I have any scars though, that sounds a little fucked up. I do get some really uneven/callused looking lips sometimes, though. I'm trying to get into the habit of using chapstick.
When I play laser tag (yeah), specifically when I am playing defense, I like to sing parts of pop songs and show tunes. Loudly.


I haven't played laser tag in forever.

But holy shit, does it kick ass.
No offense but :lol:

How about paintball anyone??!!

Airsoft>Paintball if you're into realsim games, plus it's more gear oriented.
Both are enjoyable though. I can never get into laser tag because there is no incentive to use cover at all.

I guess at the end of the day nothing tops throwing rocks at each other... :lol:
Sometimes I like pretend I'm from Palestine and pretend other people are from Israel. I then throw rocks at them and they get mad.
I can never get into laser tag because there is no incentive to use cover at all.

Sounds like someone has never played zone.

edit: I guess you meant because it doesn't hurt? That makes more sense... But the big cut on my arm begs to differ, sir. Fucking heavy staples sticking out of the scenery. Oh, I took a pair or pliers to that bitch my next shift.
Sounds like someone has never played zone.

edit: I guess you meant because it doesn't hurt? That makes more sense... But the big cut on my arm begs to differ, sir. Fucking heavy staples sticking out of the scenery. Oh, I took a pair or pliers to that bitch my next shift.

Yeah if there isn't a risk of getting clocked in the head by somthing It's hard for me to take cover seriously. Plus it's more rewarding when you hit the other person :lol:.
Yeah if there isn't a risk of getting clocked in the head by somthing It's hard for me to take cover seriously. Plus it's more rewarding when you hit the other person :lol:.

Well in fairness you CAN get fucked up playing laser tag, but not because of the IR itself, of course. Collisions, people falling down the ramps, people getting clocked with other peoples lasers, etc. That's all symptomatic of people being morons, though. We have a very large, two floor arena. It very dark (black light), and has a "maze-like" quality to it... I say "maze-like" because it's not actually a maze but it certainly seems that way if you don't know your way around it. There are not big open spaces and the corridors are fairly narrow. Since all games are presided over by staff members (we don't allow running, climbing, etc.) injuries of any kind are extremely rare... and they really only happen as a result of people breaking the rules when we're not looking.

Staff games, though. We run, climb on shit, play with the lights off (so it's pitch black). It's been a while since a staff games was interrupted by someone having to be taken to the hospital, but we go through a lot of ice packs.

And scoring in base flags or shutting out the opposing team is pretty satisfying to me :).