Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

That's a real condition?!

I've been picking my nose in public a lot lately but I think that's seasonal and not actually a tic.
I used to have that problem when I was younger. Kinda grew out of it though luckily. I would blink every half second.

It's not like that. I'll be fine for hours, but then I'll have a thirty minute work out where I am forced by some incredibly dastardly demonic spirit to blink as hard as I can in several-blink bursts. Like I just saw goatse for the first time and am shutting my eyes as hard as possible in hopes of unseeing it. Or maybe like I'm having a competition with myself, trying to blink harder with each successive one. I swear, my eyes actually hurt.

EDIT: I only do it in privacy though, thankfully for me and my already-pathetic social appearance.
It's not like that. I'll be fine for hours, but then I'll have a thirty minute work out where I am forced by some incredibly dastardly demonic spirit to blink as hard as I can in several-blink bursts.

I do the same exact thing. It's been happening to me for about 4 years now. I have no idea why. My eye doctor speculated that it might be because the air in Phoenix irritates my eyes.
I had a friend in high school who didn't blink very often, but extremely forcefully. But that's quite normal isn't it?
I just remembered my most common/ingrained habit; when indoors, walking opposed to another person and in close proximity, I jump slightly out of nervousness and then grab the nearest wall to claim that side as "mine". Usually I don't even notice doing it, but when people pull it from my subconscious I realize how awkward it is. Every time I try to break the habit I forget once the sudden panic of oh-no-a-person-is-approaching-me-avoid-it-at-all-costs hits me. It's worst when I get jumpy around black people because I'm afraid that one day they'll accuse me of being racist/blackophobic when in reality I always slink around with my tail between my legs.
My god you sound like a hikkikomori. Can't you aversion-therapy yourself out of being so nervous by forcing yourself out into the world? Watch "Densha Otoko," the hikkikomori guy in that one left his room on a mission to help Densha and realized he liked being out and about.
No matter how much of a failure of normalcy I may be, I will never stoop to watching Japanese cartoons. If I do that I may as well join 12chan and get arrested by the FBI, by proxy of that Hansen guy.
It's a live-action TV show that enjoyed mainstream success with normal Japanese people despite being largely about 2chan.
I really like watching interviews, just for the way people interact with each other. A good interview makes me feel warm and fuzzy, regardless of who the two people are or what they're talking about.