Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies

When getting out of the shower I always put both of my feet under the last bit of water that comes out of the fauset before I get out.

I always keep a guitar pic in my pocket.

A while back I went through a stage where if I was bleeding I would wipe it on my guitar strings.
I always keep a guitar pic in my pocket.

For about two years I would usually have one, not intentionally but because I'd just put it in my pocket when I was done playing. But now that my practices are more scheduled I've gotten better about leaving them on my amp.
At first I thought he meant "a picture of his guitar", like a photo, you know. That would've been somewhat weird, but a pick, eh, not really.
Wiping blood on the strings is pretty out there, though, so oddity status restored. Had it been Death_Delirium's guitar he would've probably licked those strings clean, :zombie:

yeah not really. I carry 10+ jazz 3 picks plus 3 special ones I used in Japan.More of a necessity to my career.

Hmmmmm...Strange habits eh....not much really

I do however obsess over everything

also, I hate when people do things out of routine, but I myself cant even keep a simple routine, which also drives me insane......

^probably not a strange habit, but its the only thing that came to mind
Okay, maybe I already stated this somewhere else, but when I'm drunk and going home from a pub or some party, I bite leaves off the trees. Sometimes I try to bite off a thicker stick of a tree and I hurt myself either by the bough hitting me in teeth or forehead or by biting it and then falling on the ground. These little accidents never stopped me in doing it, because it's my fucking habit. Now it sounds silly even to me, but next time I'm drunk and looking at a nice tree, I won't be talking like this.

Don't get me wrong, I love trees. Perhaps this is my way of making love with them.

I do this too, or just to anything that can have something bitten off. Actually I just like biting stuff in general. There are probably more of us out there than you might think.
I blink really hard, have weird twitches in my face, i "sniff" my upper lip (just bring it up to my nose all the time)
random shit like that

I do all of that. :lol:

I daydream and make up scenarios that I almost convince myself will happen.

I sort of do this too, especially when studying. Sometimes the day dreams are so strong that I only "wake up" from them when they gain a physical reaction (shaking, crying, etc) out of me.
I do this too, or just to anything that can have something bitten off. Actually I just like biting stuff in general. There are probably more of us out there than you might think.

Let's make a party that would like, ruin entire ecosystem in that certain place.
Just imagining what you're describing is pretty weird, so I just picture you being a pair of giraffes,or mutants with unnaturally elongated necks who are afflicted with smallpox, and it knida settles into place.
Not that I'm averse to drunken tree biting. No offense.
I'm always shaking/tapping my leg or foot, usually to imaginary music

I can't create in trashy environments


Though recently I've let my room get petty trashy.
I usually keep everything very organized(just got done untangling various wires around my computer.

I've had people complain about me tapping my feet/fingers to songs in my head.

I talk in my head more than I actually speak and am constantly daydreaming and thinking up scenarios in my head either for fun or to improve on somthing that has happened.

Also, If I want to do somthing I usually make sure everything is "perfect" before I do it. Example: Before I play Xbox at night with my friends I make sure my mp3 player is plugged in and out of the way, untangle the Xbox wires from the computer ones, make sure my screen is clean set-up the way I want, clean the area around my Xbox/computer, stack my games in order of most likely yo be played, set up the small heater next to where I sit, and make sure I have the food/drink that I want near me.
If I'm not concentrating, I put question marks on the ends of all my sentences in text messages. I only realize it when I get "wtf" messages.