Strange Habits/Idiosyncrasies


When ever I walk up the stairs, I put my hands on the steps above, so I walk up the stairs like a dog.
The other night my roommate caught me getting up in the middle of the night and putting on an audiobook on my iPod just to go to the can.
I have this habit which I'm trying to break. When I masturbate I sometimes stop everything I'm doing to look at the floor every 30 seconds. It annoys the fuck out of me because my hair gets in my face.
I violate most of the dressing rules because I really don't give a shit. I wear socks with sandals when it's col out and I'm too lazy to put shoes on.

Flip-flops are preferable footwear in any climate, even in rain or snow, given that I will be outside no longer than 10 minutes.
I have this habit which I'm trying to break. When I masturbate I sometimes stop everything I'm doing to look at the floor every 30 seconds. It annoys the fuck out of me because my hair gets in my face.
Take the picture of me off your floor. Problem solved.

Air guitar playing & drumming.
Hardly idiosyncratic.
I always tap my feet like I'm playing double pedal, even when there's no music. Annoys the fuck out of people sometimes.