Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done/Period of your life

I played World of Warcraft for 4 months.

I used to play Civilization 3 ravenously but have since then lost my game copy.

I used to play and am still enthusiastic about the Neverwinter Nights game series.

I listen to power metal. (And sing along)

I work in a video games store.

I collect Sega Genesis Games.

I'm a major history buff.

Used to play Magic: The Gathering

I'm also a major fan of cosmology.

I still think superheroes are cool.
Frankly, Civ 3 isn't nerdy. Anyone who so much as touches it winds up spending upwards of 30 hours on it.
I like the original NVN, but haven't played the second.
I'm a programmer so I guess that makes me inherently nerdy. Aside from that though I have surprisingly few stereotypical nerd interests. I don't play D&D, hate fantasy books/movies, am not particularly obsessed with science fiction (I prefer real science), hate MMORPGs, have never seen any of the Star Wars movies in their entirety and don't read comic books.
I got good grades when I was in school.
I pretty much never skipped class in college.
I have an interest in history, philosophy, and psychology.
I'm interested in more than just sports and beer. (that was kind of a joke, but people around here think that makes you a nerd).
Actually that is a lie, I have seen Star Wars Episode 1 entirely but with the Rifftrax audio track instead of the actual movie audio because someone convinced me that it would be hilarious.

It wasn't. Rifftrax sucks. MST3K sucks too.
I went through a brief phase four years ago when I would collect random business cards from all the places I had gone to (restaurants, stores, offices etc.) and then put them all over my walls.
I'm a D&D fan...I wish there were more people/I had more time to play it (with).

Me and my buds are getting ready to womp on Orkus' ass next week; we're all epic level and actually pretty god damn powerful... too powerful in fact (the DM felt the need to triple Orkus' stats :heh:)
I used to play D&D years ago and took it as far as painting little pewter figurines of all my characters.

I have read fantasy since I was little but haven't read much the last couple years.

I played Magic: The Gathering and owned many complete sets as well as my decks.

I played WoW furiously for two years.

I have pictures of Krigloch The Furious on my computer.
I went through a brief phase four years ago when I would collect random business cards from all the places I had gone to (restaurants, stores, offices etc.) and then put them all over my walls.

I used to collect every business card I could get my hands on when I was in elementary school. Once when I was at a street fair I wandered away from my parents, walked up to a women's lingerie booth, took a business card, and ran away. It must have been damn funny seeing a sever year old do that.