I watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I'm not ashamed at all. I don't even think it qualifies as nerdy at this point.
Although watching 8 45 min episodes in one day is a little sad.
- Play a rediculous amount of Halo
- Love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings
- Love reading SW/LotR books
- Spend a lot of time on the internet
- Love watching superhero shows: Justice League, The Batman, etc
- Think Batman is by far the coolest superhero evar
- Used to be obsessed with Boba Fett
- Don't really have a social life (but that's the way I like it)
But I also play varsity baseball and am athletic so I guess I'm kind of split
2 years ago or so I played competitive counterstrike and world of warcraft. now i only occasional do recreational games like halo with friends but I don't think thats nerdy.
I also like fantasy/science fiction books and movies.
I have nearly 11,000 posts on a message board
I collected baseball and magic cards
I played D&D a while back
I used to play Anarchy Online a lot
I am a trekkie although I don't really share that with anyone. It's pretty much a personal thing
I have read every Dune book written
I read Wikipedia a lot
I am also very nerdy about baseball in that I know tons of trivia