Nevermore in Frankfurt last night

So I´m back from Frankfurt. Damn - it was amazing!:rock:
The "Enemies of Reality" really made me completely forget reality for about a hundred minutes! I was fuckin´ blown away!

The crowd was so cool, screamin´ and shouting and headbanging - going crazy all the time!
The band catched the passion from the audience and did an awesome stage performance.
Warrel talked a lot to us fans, was joking, and sometimes it seemed like this big grin on his face just didn´t want to disappear. Cute! It´s always good to see that the band is having fun, too.
Steve had to change his guitars several times but nevertheless he played fantastic as always just like the others.
I must say, to me it was the very best show so far.
(Am I saying that after every show??! Maybe I do. Well...)
And damn it, I lost a lot of hair! *ooouch*

Hung out at the bar with the guys after the show for a while,
had a very nice time over there.
I can´t believe the tour is almost over again and there will be only one more show for me to see. I need more! I have become addicted!
Can´t wait to see you guys again in Osnabrück next week.
And - Van - I´ll see what I can do about that bellydance-thing then ;)