Nevermore noob - where to start?

Lord Insane

New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2010
I'm new to Nevermore - where should I begin? I'm right now listening to The River Dragon Had Come from Dead Heart.. the riffing and the guitar playing is great!! But I will need to get used to the vox.. anyhow? I hope someone could help me :kickass::lol:
DHIADW is a good place to start - many think that is their best work, but I'd suggest going all the way back to the beginning and listening to Sanctuary right up through TGE just so that you can see how Warrel and his band has progressed. If you want to cherry-pick songs, two of my favorites are the last 2 songs on POE - 42147 and The Learning.

Most NM fans actually love the vocals, since that is a big part of what separates them from all the rest of the metal bands - a heavy band with actual "singing". I like a lot of growlers and screamers, but I always go back to NM because I get that extra level of melody and songwriting with lyrics I can actually hear sung.

Take caution with this board and don't take things personally - a lot of opinionated people and a lot of sidetracked food porn, but right now this is the best place to keep up with things.....WD himself usually pokes around adds some commentary.
I prefer the dirtier sounds of the older albums. I think they are definitely more intense than the newer ones (excluding Enemies or Reality, which, unlike others, I completely enjoyed).

You don't have to choose any definite point to start. Just get some CDs and listen.
Or bacon. It's tough to go wrong with bacon.

Politics of Ecstasy, Dreaming Neon Black and Dead Heart in A Dead World imo should be where to start. Those are their 3 best albums and they're all different.
If you get EOR - make sure it is the remastered version done by Andy Sneap, and if you get the first self-titled cd, then get the remastered version of that has a few extra songs and even some demos that are cool. C.B.F. is an underrated song from that first cd ("I'll count the days 'till you're gone" - love that line at the ending)