Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

Uhh, IE has a newie out?

NEAL>>>iTs not what the critics say it is, But it is worth getting. Actually, i got the whole promo for free. I didnt want to buy it first either. But now that i haev it, promo that is, im not going to buy it, but i would not have been pissed if i did.
ahh, i see. I shall go DL them tomorrow then.
tahnks for the info....over and out for me. At least for the night.

i have SOLARIZED to watch on DVD.

later RP









one more message here.
I may be able to convert anyway. I have programs you know. hahahhaha Audio grabber, clone, factory, etc.


RP thanks as well...night
i mentioned in another thread


great program.....plays damn near everything
got it at (in the search field type mediaone)

if ya wanna try it....nothing fancy just gets the job done
I don't have a dog. And if I did, I would either send it on a killing spree and let it die, or if it were tiny, eat it. I fucking DETEST tiny dogs. They must all die in pain.

Saints bends Stained Class over, lubes it up, and RAPES THAT BITCH.

But Beyond the Realms of Death kills both of 'em.

Abattoir, abattoir, mon Dieu quelle horreur
For a time is was like second hell


Fetch the scream eagles
Unleash the wild cats
Set loose the king cobras
And blood sucking bats

what kinda wussy animals are those?!!!?!!?

and the best lines are the opening ones ...

They laughed at their gods
And fought them in vain
So he turned his back on them
And left them in pain
Now here come the saints
With their banners held high
Each one of them martyrs
Quite willing to die

...which dont say a whole lot

the song starts with a rockin groove and stick with it....yea yea gREAT screams though......and it sticks with this formula through out the song with some wierd effects and stuff and a very reptitive chorus



i cant even PICK lyrics, its all so amazing

Transfixed at deliverance, is this all there is
Faithless continuum, into the abyss
Fierce is my conviction, absolute my belief
I spit at you apathy, and seducer deceit

I's asking for warrel......COME ON>......

Long ago when man was king, his heart was clean now he's stained class
Time has slashed each untouched thing, so now he's just a stained class king

this song starts with an amazing fucking solo and bursts into triplets......IN THE 70'S!!!
robbie belts out the mad mofo notes

then we get into the hypnotic chorus surrouned by mad rythmic drumming

more lyrics.....chorus.....then THE ANGER!!!!!!!

and chilling guitars ecstasy with........MORE SOLOS!!!!!!!!


MORE SOLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! OVERLOAD!!!!!
Okay, Stained Class has the better lyrics, I admit it...but Saints just RIPS.

BTW, the French = killing ground (roughly), killing ground, my God what horror. Not bad.

Back to the rippingness...the chorus has that great twisted riff, and as I mentioned, 3:19 = total thrash breakdown. Plus the vocals are SWANK...the second chorus "Bell-eyelll-eyelll-yellll..." is great, and the end fadeout...chilling. Can you imagine Wally doing that shit? I mean...holy palmraped bleeding Jesus, that would SLAY. No solo is the only downpoint...

Stained Class does have the HEAVIEST FUCKING RIFF EVER (at the time) after the bridge, but the vocal lines are all weirded out...especially the second verse, Rob doesn't know what fucking notes he's trying to hit. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. And the solos are great, yes - but SO great that they MUST NOT BE TOUCHED. Loomis is a MASTER, but even he shall not defile the greatness that is Glenn and KK on Stained Class.

So yeah, Saints is better (but not by much), and Priest needs to play them BOTH on the tour...and Heroes End...and BTROD.