Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

I was at another forum, and the title of this post was the title of a post at that other forum.

Here is what my reply was..............I think it could make for good discussion, if anyone else is willing to talk about it.

So, who is better(as if i didnt already know)...and why?

Here is my reply:

You just cant compare ICED EARTH TO NEVERMORE.

Iced Earth is like a CHILD in the first grade.

Nevermore is like an adult who has already ACED college with a masters degree.

Ok, yeah, Jon can play....three to four riffs tops..thats it. But, I suppose haveing the ability to play basicaly three to four riffs over a span of six studio cd's, meets the criteria, and justifies one saying ....'the man can play'.

Jon on POSERS.
Have you ever wonderd why Jon constantly spews this word out of his PIE HOLE, like shit spewing from his ass after a night of drinking PABPS BLUE RIBBON BEER?Why is he so worried about ppl thinking him to be a POSER? Well, maybe he is a poser.

Have you ever wonderd why there isnt much lead on ICED? I ll tell ya, cause Jon cant play lead. Jon wants the LIGHT, Jon wants all the CREDIT. If a guy came into the folds of Iced who could actually play, Jon would be out of the LIGHT....ANd you know Jon will not stand for that.

Now we come to Jon and his favorite word...KILLEREST. First that even a word? hahaha I must laugh every time i see Jon saying KILLERST in an interview....he just cant say MOST KILLER, or MORE KILLER....hahahaha he is a PUTZ.

Jon on Iced being the best band.
I really have to laugh....He needs a PECK on the shoulder, and then needs to be informed on how much he really needs to OPEN HIS AND EARS, and to wake up...ETC ETC.

Jon on trends.
He follows these RULES that he has laid out for HIS band(its his band cause he knows whats best, HA, more like its his band cause he is a JELOUSE fuck off)He never leaves the confinments of these so called rules. So, in that way, perhaps Jons "dated" , "non-experemntal" style of playing is just a trend in itself(since the style was very big in the 80's)(Im not saying ICED EARTH is a trend, but it is possible)

One more thing about Jon and his first grade mentality.
Have you guys ever seen Jon state the following:
"fuck trends, and fuck posers
Iced fucking Earth and Blind Guardian 4 ever"

WHat kind of fucking joke is that anyway? ITs like singing that first grade song....."Iced and guardian settin in a tree, K. I. S. S. I. N. G." YOu know.And the way he writes the **4** instead of spelling it. Jon is almost a retard child.
I would be willing to wager, if Jon saw a girl/woman of which, he thought was attractive, and he wanted a DATE or what not with her....I would wager he would write her a little note. The note would read similar to this: "I like you. DO you like me?". Then you would find two small boxes drawn on the little letter..beside one box you would find the word "YES", beside the other box, you would find the word "NO". The boxes would be for a CHECK MARK you know..just like in the first grade.
He comes across like he is trying to impress CHILDREN. Thats fine to impress children, but not to concentrate on them. I think an artist/band should should try to attract all ages..WHich i think is Jons plan....But thats not how Jon comes across. IT seems to me, that Jon can relate best to "mindless follow the trends, but say you arent" type of other words..CHILDREN.

Now we get to NEVERMORE.
Jeff is a very effective, very experimental, and a very good all around guitar player. Jon, and no other guitarist who has been in the folds of iced earth can even stand near Jeff while he has a guitar in his hands..

As for BASS, JIm has that coverd very well....

As for drums....Van smokes the skin off any drummer who has ever been in the folds of Iced(all but rich).

VOX...Warrel is the *one* of the best in metal, or any other genre....past present and future..Warrel Dane can sing better than Jon can know thats not sayin much, cause jon only has three to four riffs that he is able to pull out at any given time. BUt its a fact about Warrel being great.

As for Iced earth....All Jon has in his corner is MATT. Matt is a very good VOXXER, but he cannot touch Warrel.

Just so you guys know..I have all nevermore, and all Iced earth, so i do know both bands very well.
Obsess much? :guh:

Anyway, IE just isn't the same without barlow
I was at another forum, and the title of this post was the title of a post at that other forum.

Here is what my reply was..............I think it could make for good discussion, if anyone else is willing to talk about it.

So, who is better(as if i didnt already know)...and why?

Here is my reply:

You just cant compare ICED EARTH TO NEVERMORE.

Iced Earth is like a CHILD in the first grade.

Nevermore is like an adult who has already ACED college with a masters degree.

Ok, yeah, Jon can play....three to four riffs tops..thats it. But, I suppose haveing the ability to play basicaly three to four riffs over a span of six studio cd's, meets the criteria, and justifies one saying ....'the man can play'.

Jon on POSERS.
Have you ever wonderd why Jon constantly spews this word out of his PIE HOLE, like shit spewing from his ass after a night of drinking PABPS BLUE RIBBON BEER?Why is he so worried about ppl thinking him to be a POSER? Well, maybe he is a poser.

Have you ever wonderd why there isnt much lead on ICED? I ll tell ya, cause Jon cant play lead. Jon wants the LIGHT, Jon wants all the CREDIT. If a guy came into the folds of Iced who could actually play, Jon would be out of the LIGHT....ANd you know Jon will not stand for that.

Now we come to Jon and his favorite word...KILLEREST. First that even a word? hahaha I must laugh every time i see Jon saying KILLERST in an interview....he just cant say MOST KILLER, or MORE KILLER....hahahaha he is a PUTZ.

Jon on Iced being the best band.
I really have to laugh....He needs a PECK on the shoulder, and then needs to be informed on how much he really needs to OPEN HIS AND EARS, and to wake up...ETC ETC.

Jon on trends.
He follows these RULES that he has laid out for HIS band(its his band cause he knows whats best, HA, more like its his band cause he is a JELOUSE fuck off)He never leaves the confinments of these so called rules. So, in that way, perhaps Jons "dated" , "non-experemntal" style of playing is just a trend in itself(since the style was very big in the 80's)(Im not saying ICED EARTH is a trend, but it is possible)

One more thing about Jon and his first grade mentality.
Have you guys ever seen Jon state the following:
"fuck trends, and fuck posers
Iced fucking Earth and Blind Guardian 4 ever"

WHat kind of fucking joke is that anyway? ITs like singing that first grade song....."Iced and guardian settin in a tree, K. I. S. S. I. N. G." YOu know.And the way he writes the **4** instead of spelling it. Jon is almost a retard child.
I would be willing to wager, if Jon saw a girl/woman of which, he thought was attractive, and he wanted a DATE or what not with her....I would wager he would write her a little note. The note would read similar to this: "I like you. DO you like me?". Then you would find two small boxes drawn on the little letter..beside one box you would find the word "YES", beside the other box, you would find the word "NO". The boxes would be for a CHECK MARK you know..just like in the first grade.
He comes across like he is trying to impress CHILDREN. Thats fine to impress children, but not to concentrate on them. I think an artist/band should should try to attract all ages..WHich i think is Jons plan....But thats not how Jon comes across. IT seems to me, that Jon can relate best to "mindless follow the trends, but say you arent" type of other words..CHILDREN.

Now we get to NEVERMORE.
Jeff is a very effective, very experimental, and a very good all around guitar player. Jon, and no other guitarist who has been in the folds of iced earth can even stand near Jeff while he has a guitar in his hands..

As for BASS, JIm has that coverd very well....

As for drums....Van smokes the skin off any drummer who has ever been in the folds of Iced(all but rich).

VOX...Warrel is the *one* of the best in metal, or any other genre....past present and future..Warrel Dane can sing better than Jon can know thats not sayin much, cause jon only has three to four riffs that he is able to pull out at any given time. BUt its a fact about Warrel being great.

As for Iced earth....All Jon has in his corner is MATT. Matt is a very good VOXXER, but he cannot touch Warrel.

Just so you guys know..I have all nevermore, and all Iced earth, so i do know both bands very well.


for fresh meat
VOX...Warrel is the *one* of the best in metal, or any other genre....past present and future..Warrel Dane can sing better than Jon can know thats not sayin much, cause jon only has three to four riffs that he is able to pull out at any given time. BUt its a fact about Warrel being great.

As for Iced earth....All Jon has in his corner is MATT. Matt is a very good VOXXER, but he cannot touch Warrel.

Just so you guys know..I have all nevermore, and all Iced earth, so i do know both bands very well.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, he can!!!!!!
Matt owns all the other metal singers out there, even though Warrel is amazing!

Have you noticed the difference between Jon's political lyrics and Warrel's buy the way?
Iced Earth used to be my favorite band (mostly because of Matt though),but then I read an interview in a Canadian magazine, where Jon and the interviewer argued about the war in Iraq, Jon's arguments were extremely childish!
i cant believe i actually read that 5 pages of bullshit hehe. but to sum up what i think:
jon is a no talent assclown cunt, and nevermore rocks all over him and his band of jerks. i used to think iced earth was cool and i liked jon and thought it was cool when he said 'fuck posers' and stuff like that. but when i grew past the age of 16 i decided that he was a bafoon and treats his band like shit. he is such a fucking megalomaniac.

"oh yeh i was happy about the election. im a patriot!" yeh fuck you dickhead. you and dubba are a nice pair of fuckwit redneck morons.

jon has run out of good riffs. he ran out of them after stormrider. burnt offerings is ok but its different. the only thing after those that is worth anything is the somthing wicked trillogy. horror show is a total pile of dogshit. its fucking horrid. its an abomination of all that is right and just. i listened to the interview on the other cd and just shook my head the whole time. what a dick.

now that that anti-jon rant is out, i think i'll put on POE or somthing.

i still stand by it haha
I like IE for jumping around value. Nevermore isn't as good for things like that. However, it shouldn't even be considered that anyone in IE is as talented as anyone in NM, not even a little bit. They've had some decent members, like richard christy, but they're just blown out of the water.

I think we're just comparing apples to oranges, though.