Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

well, me and rip50 were talking on messenger and we decided to ignore ledmag's pleas to talk about nevermore vs iced earth and just talk about masturbation (a longtime inside joke). he said "swing the conversation in the masturbation direstion" so i just posted MASTURBATION RULES!!! and rip50 got on me saying it wasn't a subtle change of topics
I have a few good topics im gonna post sometime soon. Im just waitin for the right moment so to speak. I also keep good flames laying around so i will not forget them hahahaha.

Hunter S Thompson is great influence for flaming hahahahha
YEs, he does like them. He still drinks gympsum tea. ESPN puts up with a lot from him. He is awsome. I have all his books.

Plus i own FandL in las vegas on video.

BWD>>>Yeah, one has to do with eating pussy, the right and wrong way. It should be good for the babes to tell us what they think hahhahahahah.
i didnt say that, i just said we'll have to wait and see. we will have to wait and see. we cant see what people say before they say it!


One is pretty long, the other is just a small one. they are both ebooks i have. YOu would no believe some of the stuff i haev in that format.