Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

ledmag said:
I prefer my wife over my hand....either hand as matter of fact.
I also prefer her over BOTH HANDS......or anyones hand........


I agree totally with ledmag... I prefer his wife over my hand too.

oh and iced earth are very good, but je suis preferer nevermore.
I thought will said he created a code, replacing letters with numbers....then add up all the numbers togther, and you get 495.

Kinda like, write the alphabet, then over each letter, place number by seven. A=7, b=14, c=21...etc. Then write your name, add up the should get a three dig number.

NEAL = 224

you're looking up, like, the origin of the wor or something elaborate

i always thought he got the name from that song he recorded "DIE", where he just says die a bunch of times over the tallica riff
no man, it's really heavy, my dad was playing it loud one day.....and I was all like, "goddamn, this is heavy"

it was then I realized that there is a distinct distinction between heavy music, and GOOD music

go me!!
RP>>>I just used the 7 as a number. I could not remeber the numbers he said he used.
I thought he said it ment will, or DEATH (as in death county)....hahaahah who knows.

Oh yeah....guys...write out the word COMPUTER, using the number 7 methode as above...see what ya get....

666 maybe..hahahaha

I saw KID ROCK with monster magnet in 98....he sucks elephant dicks.
Computer = 787. I don't get it.

Kid Rock DOES suck, but he puts on an entertaining show in terms of strippers, etc. Music's horrible, of course, but the chicks are hot and the stage antics are amusing.

495 does = spawned twenty posts talking in numbers which I was too lazy to figure out.
I really like Iced Earth's first album, you know? I just realized that. The riffs rule. And Stormrider and Burnt Offerings own; Something Wicked is also pretty badass. The other two, however, are intensely mediocre.

Oh Penguin, I picked up some Kreator. Badass stuff. I still prefer Bay Area Thrash, but this album has some killing riffs.
awesome dude, old old kreator is thrash in its purest form.....check out stuff like destruction, by war and sodom
there's tons of others man, if youre ever in a thrashy mood, talk to the penguin ;)

i like the 1st IE alot as well
but I really dislike something wicked
i still thoroughly enjoy HS and DS....just really "rockin" albums

dude, you like mercyful fate, right?
check out forces of evil
awesome project by original Mf geetarists, their new album was just released, or leaked or something
I am ALWAYS in a thrashy mood. But my next thrash purchase will be some American...probably FINALLY getting The Ultra Violence. After that, Euro again, and I'll ask ya.

Mercyful Fate fucking rules...Melissa is one of the greatest albums of all time. What do the vox sound like on that Force of Evil release?
Force of Evil had traditional metal vocals
like dio maybe....not even, less high, but he still belts out badass screams like barlow

man, I cant decribe what his vocals sound like, but iF you hear them you'll probably recognize them
great music with 2 guitars and trade oFfs and shit
but this album is very reminiscent oF melissa