That's fucking terrible :erk: Hopefully the music will make up for the album name. Honestly though, it's the kind of name a bunch of 13 year olds who have just discovered alcohol would call an album.
"Blooddrunk" implies to an aggressive and brutal state of mind. Probably what is very common in Finland and has been for ages, that men drink booze and become violent. This is Alexi's interpretation to the mood at which he wrote the album: on a lash and pissed off.
Something Wild
Follow the Reaper
Hate Crew Deathroll
Are You Dead Yet?
Blood Drunk

:erk: Doesn't fit imo but I could care less, can't wait to hear it!
^It's Blooddrunk, COB likes to connect the words even tho it's not correct.. It implies 2/3 to aggression, only 1/3 to alcohol..
Blooddrunk huh? It doesn't sound horrible,yet not amazing.I could really give a shit about the title.Its all about what the music is like by this point.Hopefully it will be good,though i'm not holding these hopes high.
At first I didn't know what to think of the title but now I like it more and more. I guess only Joonas, Shadeg and me really understand it the way it's meant after we analyzed it.

By the way, after knowing that the album got such a title, it seems that the album cover might be red again? At least blue wouldn't fit to the name.