children of COB
Deadnight Drinker
My English is not good enough to follow you logic, but let's make one thing clear here. I don't even listen COB, I just drool all over Alexi.
Love In Your face cuz :
1-it has a great solo (little short)
2-Love MetalCore
You are definitely dumb. You complain about AYDY and Blooddrunk lack of melody and you like metalcore??? GTFO dude.
i only ant , and wish one thing , but i think its impossible :
that Cob comeback to their old exellent music
You agree?
No. I like Blooddrunk, HCD and AYDY as much as I love SW, HB and FTR.
BTW, anyone here cares about how much do you hate COB for not making the music you want them too, just for you to know.
Is any mod going to band this dumbass or do we just ignore him and that's it?