Just wondering, but what do you think the next update will be? And when?
How do you know? (sincere question)
COB TV 2 should be out this week. We'll get to know the remaining 4 song titles soon and the order.
That would be awesome, but who/what is Verikukka?
I dont think they will release all the songtitles in COBTV2, but im expecting some album art.
Right so if cobtv2 isn't coming out soon and they won't reveal the song titles soon, then you tell me what the fuck will be the next news????
TWell not art, but song titles would be cool.. Verikukka did like my idea of drunken Roope describing the songs to us, and he must've told them about it..
That's true. He's their drunk driverWell not art, but song titles would be cool.. Verikukka did like my idea of drunken Roope describing the songs to us, and he must've told them about it..
I got a stupid question...do you think, that there will be a song called blooddrunk?? Because every album except of something wild had the song with the same name as album title....
I bet my ass it will be a song on the album.