"Janne: It's based on a female character we know and that's all I can say! Is it about sexual perversion? I wish"

I don't know, I get it more like it's was a joke about the lyrics, that we can interpret them in different view and that one of this view would be "sexual perversion", so like "a girl would have sex with the devil", but that the lyrics coulb be more "to play with the devil", like a daredevil.

Seeing it that way, it makes me think (really much) of Devil Mistress, Warmen.

It say "it's based" so we can think that's wrote by Alexi about her, or that she wrote it herself about her, anyway, we are going too far for (and with)nothing.

Kimberly Goss?
About the riffing in COBTV 2 IMO it must be from Done With Everything, Die For Nothing because in the video Alexi appears angry at a riff that is not working (check my sig for the dialogue, :lol:), and in this article, in Alexi and Janne's words:

What a short-sighted way of thinking, I'm impressed :lol:
I don't know, I get it more like it's was a joke about the lyrics, that we can interpret them in different view and that one of this view would be "sexual perversion", so like "a girl would have sex with the devil", but that the lyrics coulb be more "to play with the devil", like a daredevil.

Next in Line is not about Jews in concentration camps, Living Dead Beat is not about the living dead, Hellhounds On My Trail is not about the beasts from the pits of hell chasing you, Roadkill is not about driving over grannies at the break of dawn... It's SAD but all Bodom's songs in reality tell about stuff like being drunk and wasted and pissed off and pretending to not give a fuck...
Kimberly Goss?

Yeah, she was the one I thought of. She has write lyrics on every album, if I'm right? Maybe be expect Something Wild, so that wouldn't be a surprise if she had write lyrics for that album, and that's the song that seems to perfectly fit her, anyway.

^Joonas style speculating eh?:lol: Well good theory anyway:lol:

Yeah, but that's not like we got something else to do instead of speculating :lol:
ORLY?? Why? Let me try.... because it's not what you think? I don't see it like that. I've told you many many times, this things are the things that makes people flame you and read your posts thinking in where can they flame you.

Hold on a sec - if I had said what you did, people would've killed me.

I think that riff in COB TV 2 has that Triplet thing, and why do you think DWE,DFN is the only song they couldn't pull the riffs in at first try? LoBodomy is the most difficult song to play, it could just as well be that with your logic.

In my disturbed head Smile Pretty for the Devil implies to hockers who need to fuck ugly old rich men and smile for them to get food on the table :hypno:

Yeah, wikipedia is full of opinions.

Yeah, Wikipedia is NOT the ultimate truth. It even said the vocals in Tie My Rope will not be re-recorded but the instruments will...
About the riffing in COBTV 2 IMO it must be from Done With Everything, Die For Nothing because in the video Alexi appears angry at a riff that is not working (check my sig for the dialogue, :lol:), and in this article, in Alexi and

What a short-sighted way of thinking, I'm impressed :lol:

ORLY?? Why? Let me try.... because it's not what you think? I don't see it like that. I've told you many many times, this things are the things that makes people flame you and read your posts thinking in where can they flame you.

To be honest, that thing about the riff and Alexi getting pissed makes sense, not more or not less than anything anybody said here.

Next in Line is not about Jews in concentration camps, Living Dead Beat is not about the living dead, Hellhounds On My Trail is not about the beasts from the pits of hell chasing you, Roadkill is not about driving over grannies at the break of dawn... It's SAD but all Bodom's songs in reality tell about stuff like being drunk and wasted and pissed off and pretending to not give a fuck...

Yeah, well maybe I've not been clear but what I meant is:

The song Smile pretty for the devil COULD mean (In my opinion (just to be sure) something about being a daredevil, "pulling the devil's tail", "playing with fire", to smile pretty for the devil, to always to a little bit too far, like everything Alexi said he have done in is life like jumping from a truck, always putting is life in danger.

Now, it's based on a female character, so I don't really know, maybe Kim is like Alexi on that kind of thing.

What I meant is that in my opinion the song as a meaning, but the way its writing you can think that the person in the lyrics is "Playing with the devil", like she is having se with it, but that in fact that's just a metaphore (?).
You mean like laughing in the face of death?

Well that's what you do when you grab a slut with you from a bar, she might have aids.
For the sake of conversation, is anybody else not going to listen to it if it gets leaked? I assume most will listen, then buy at the release date. I honestly want to buy it. I'll probably go back and buy every COB album I currently own now that I think about it.
For the sake of conversation, is anybody else not going to listen to it if it gets leaked? I assume most will listen, then buy at the release date. I honestly want to buy it. I'll probably go back and buy every COB album I currently own now that I think about it.

I'm not gonna download it if it gets leaked. :D

edit: my 100th post (finally)... not like anyone cares, but meh. ^_^
For the sake of conversation, is anybody else not going to listen to it if it gets leaked? I assume most will listen, then buy at the release date. I honestly want to buy it. I'll probably go back and buy every COB album I currently own now that I think about it.

I'll create a thread about it in a month.
Haha, I noticed the titles are pretty metal this time:

1. Hellhounds On My Trail --> Manowar-Style

2. Blooddrunk --> Manowar-Style

3. LoBodomy --> Lobotomy=Nerves get cut=Metal

4. One Day You Will Cry ---> threatening=metal

5. Smile Pretty For The Devil ---> obvious

6. Tie My Rope ---> suicide=metal

7. Done With Everything, Die For Nothing ---> Manowar-Style

8. Banned From Heaven ---> =Hell=Metal

9. Roadkill Morning ---> Manowar-Style