This is a waaaaaay better album cover

Just a typical fine fantasy art cover for a band that cannot find any other way to attract attention. Hell, that's how I found COB in 2001. I thought Follow the Reaper had nice cover art. But I was 14 back then. But I think the Blooddrunk cover is hardcore and even cooler. Not sure if I'd thought the same back then.
I don't like the new cover art, it doesnt fit with all the previous album art.

But, i think/believe this album is going to be second of the 6 cob studioalbums. In my opinion, its going to be kickass.
I'm expecting it to be overall the best (from what I've heard I should like it) but I'm not sure if it will have another big hit like Silent Night, Bodom Night or Living Dead Beat... But for sure some kickass songs that you can't stop listening to every day for a looong time.
I'm expecting it to be overall the best (from what I've heard I should like it) but I'm not sure if it will have another big hit like Silent Night, Bodom Night or Living Dead Beat... But for sure some kickass songs that you can't stop listening to every day for a looong time.
For a long time, HCDR was my favorite album now its my second best. Now Follow the Reaper is my number 1 favorite.
Since i like thrash a LOT, and i somewhat like the AYDY/HCDR style i believe Blooddrunk is going to be my second best album.

But somehow that cover still looks fake or wrong.

This is a waaaaaay better album cover

I can think of tons more too.

The Blooddrunk album art is... well it's alright... But saying it's "better than anything else" is just blind and retarded fanboism.

That's weird, cause from what I heard from Elveking in the past it sound like some happy/cletigay/flower-power-metal :err: That cover doesn't really represent that :err:
Like I said, that's a fucking emo cover for a gay band and purely just an attempt to get kids buying the album.

Blooddrunk is hardcore. Screw the rest..
Like I said, that's a fucking emo cover for a gay band and purely just an attempt to get kids buying the album.

Blooddrunk is hardcore. Screw the rest..

Elvenking is fucking faraway from being emo or gay. Have you ever even heard them before?

If you call that emo, you must go to check your brains or ears. (if band has clean vocals on their songs that doesn't mean that they are gay or emo)
The beggining is not emo. The vocals could be better tho, because the clean ones are sang in a emoish way which IMO seems a bit out of place, at least with the beggining. But it's way better than My Chemical Romance and that things.
HAHAHA:D i was gonna say that that Elvenking would at least in Finland be called like emo-ish or gay, until i noticed, dude, you are from Finland D: Maybe it's just here around. But seriously that is some pussy/emo/gay metal!

EDIT: epelling srrors