Just for the record. The blooddrunk single cover looks amazing!
Nice single cover! Only thing once again the Blooddrunk font, it's a bit :erk:, but I'll get used to it.

:lol:btw with the release in september...thats about the Metallica new album :lol::lol: Hope you didnt think it was Blooddrunk and freaked out:lol:

:lol::lol: Well clearly I did, that's why I wrote that about, :lol: Didn't even notice the Metallica thing, :lol:
^Thats what i thought :lol: I would have gotten a heart attack if a ready made record pending release would be pushed back by several months:lol:

Just because many people won't have the time to look on the last page i will repost the single blooddrunk cover :lol:
For some reason that jacket looks metalcore to me. The shirt on the other hand, even though it's the exact same picture looks really cool. I guess it's the scythe on the front that makes it look emo.
^It's not really the most likely CD out there to blow.

Blooddrunk is the album I've most anticipated, and there will be no other I'll anticipate as much. It could be way better than I think or way worse, I dunno.

Cool single art.