Sounds great for the Hellhounds video. But Blooddrunk in an Opera house? Wtf. I hope the idea is like.. you know.. serpent in a paradise?


Alexi is definitely right, Diablo should get out there on the big ring. They have more balls in their music than any other band. Actually we were supposed to get their drummer for our new album, but it went down because me and our band boss got crossways because he tried to pursue me into some business I didn't feel like doing..
Alexi is definitely right, Diablo should get out there on the big ring. They have more balls in their music than any other band. Actually we were supposed to get their drummer for our new album, but it went down because me and our band boss got crossways because he tried to pursue me into some business I didn't feel like doing..

whats your band name?any stuff at mikseri or myspace?
Sounds great for the Hellhounds video. But Blooddrunk in an Opera house? Wtf. I hope the idea is like.. you know.. serpent in a paradise?

Just to clarify what Allu said in that. The Blooddrunk video was the one shot at the abandoned Russian living barracks. Hellhounds was actually shot in the opera building but in a sort of large rehearsal or sound stage type area.
A European tour AFTER the special ONE-OFF gig in London in March? Fucking niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :D:D:D

And I realised the other day that I've pretty much seen all of the Sinergy line up, just not playing Sinergy songs.

Alexi Laiho
Roope Latvala
Marco Hietala (Suicide By My Side bassist)
Sharlee D'Angelo (Beware The Heavens bassist)

Haven't seen Kim Goss or any of the drummers though. Seems like I'll never get to see them as a band.
If there was a method to fucking put me asleep for a month i would do it....cause all this waiting is killing me
Blooddrunk of course. The single is released only in Finland. And it won't make a real profit in money terms, it's just for making people interested to buy the album itself.