Tie My Rope??

I'm off to Spinefeast tomorrow; hoping they just might play something from the new album. Well, ok, they probably won't, but
it'll be cool to see them live - and Warmen!

You fucking lucky finn :Smug::lol::lol::lol:

Make sure you take some pics and get an overall opinion of Alexi's sound with the new pickups, and by all means please try to record it if you can if they play something new. Sinefeast and Astoria gigs are the previous stage to the real touring but sure will make a good preview of how the world tour is going to be, so it'll be good to get some details :kickass:
I'm pretty confident they will play at least one new song, so you just stay tuned.

I could've swore that Alexi said somewhere that they don't play new songs before the album release anymore. Something about "those guys that record the songs ruin the surprise for everyone", or some shit like that.

So I find it highly unlikely.
^Yea he said that because he doesn't want new songs to be heard from youtube in shit quality before the album release, but for me it's clear they will play Tie My Rope because it's half a year old.
Scythes-of-Bodom said:
Deadnight Warrior (incl. intro)
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Bodom After Midnight
Living Dead Beat
Tie My Rope
Angels Don't Kill
In Your Face
Hate Me!
Needled 24/7

They played the intro? As in, an intro tape? If so, that's pretty badass.
Originally Posted by Scythes-of-Bodom
Deadnight Warrior (incl. intro)
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Bodom After Midnight
Living Dead Beat
Tie My Rope
Angels Don't Kill
In Your Face
Hate Me!
Needled 24/7

They played the first 6 songs in chronological order. How cool is that.