Maybe some people will be interested...this is limited VINYL edition of blooddrunk single:

you can order it here:

and there is limited CD single edition:

order here:
I just ordered the single...pretty gay how delivery costs £2.00 :p I guess it isn't much but delivery's free on HMV..
He meant the single I supose.

@All complaining about Blooddrunk cover: Check and you'll see next to the tracklist the cover, and it IS the one posted, yeah, the ''blurry'' one!!! WOW!!! You've been let down!!! Now stop complaining and saying that it sucks and get used to it. Hasn't anyone thought that maybe is not a lack of time but the band wanted it to be like that(blurry, not really defined, etc... however you want to describe it)?? Seriously, I'm not against criticism nor against commenting things that maybe are wrong, but it really anoys me how everyone here thinks that they know how the band are thinking and belive that everything they don't like is a lack of dedication from the band. Try to think why things are like they are, and after that GIVE OPINIONS! Bashing them has no effect (well it does have: Janne's got bored of it and has left the board), and it's not the best way to start discusing. I don't mind if someone writes a really really long post with the things that in his/her opinion make something bad/good or just says ''I don't like it, I would have preferred it like that that and that'', but bashing and ''It sucks'', ''I'll feel let down'', etc... are as useless and pointless as ''OMFG Aleksi is GOD teh NeW aLbum 's gunna kick ur asses & if u say it's bad you'r a fuking1 asshole''.
He meant the single I supose.

@All complaining about Blooddrunk cover: Check and you'll see next to the tracklist the cover, and it IS the one posted, yeah, the ''blurry'' one!!! WOW!!! You've been let down!!! Now stop complaining and saying that it sucks and get used to it. Hasn't anyone thought that maybe is not a lack of time but the band wanted it to be like that(blurry, not really defined, etc... however you want to describe it)?? Seriously, I'm not against criticism nor against commenting things that maybe are wrong, but it really anoys me how everyone here thinks that they know how the band are thinking and belive that everything they don't like is a lack of dedication from the band. Try to think why things are like they are, and after that GIVE OPINIONS! Bashing them has no effect (well it does have: Janne's got bored of it and has left the board), and it's not the best way to start discusing. I don't mind if someone writes a really really long post with the things that in his/her opinion make something bad/good or just says ''I don't like it, I would have preferred it like that that and that'', but bashing and ''It sucks'', ''I'll feel let down'', etc... are as useless and pointless as ''OMFG Aleksi is GOD teh NeW aLbum 's gunna kick ur asses & if u say it's bad you'r a fuking1 asshole''.

+1 and amen on that whole writing. Some people just don't think like that...