That is definitely not cool but boring. I'll end up hating Downfall again if they don't change it, :lol:

I think Downfall is actually one of the band's best songs ever and an excellent way to end a concert: it would be a real pity if they stopped playing it live. It's too bad they didn't perform Everytime I die, though.
I think Downfall is actually one of the band's best songs ever and an excellent way to end a concert: it would be a real pity if they stopped playing it live. It's too bad they didn't perform Everytime I die, though.

It's not a bad song, but it's been in the set and closing it forever, and it's time for a change. SNBN, HCD, Deadnight Warrior or YBOD are great songs too, and have been played less and SNBN which has been a must in the sets almost since it appeared has been dropped of the setlist sometimes, but Downfall is always there, and they have loads of kickass songs to end the shows with. Always Downfall is boring. Is so predictable.
It's not a bad song, but it's been in the set and closing it forever, and it's time for a change. SNBN, HCD, Deadnight Warrior or YBOD are great songs too, and have been played less and SNBN which has been a must in the sets almost since it appeared has been dropped of the setlist sometimes, but Downfall is always there, and they have loads of kickass songs to end the shows with. Always Downfall is boring. Is so predictable.

I agree with you on this one, totally. They should have a change of "last song" for once. Maybe they could end their concerts on a slow song or something.
A change would definitely be nice, but I highly doubt it will happen.
Maybe end concerts on a track off Blooddrunk?

Then again, this is just my honest opinion.
I scanned this from Terrorizer magazine.

ok crappy scan. :Smug: *kicks scanner* Here is a type up:

Children Of Bodom: Studio Report

Whilst the male journalists shared a naked moment in the sauna that went on for a suspiciously long time, Terrorizers encyclopidia of all things Finnish and shreddy, Louise Brown, did serious, grown-up magazine things, like talk to Children of Bodom's Alexi Laiho about their love for 'The Big Lebowski', Their eagerly anticipated seventh full length 'Blooddrunk' and just about anything other than what the men had been up to under the steam.

On December 6, 2007 Finland celebrated the 90th anniversary of its independence from the Soviet Union, and while the country took a day off to get drunk, on a island to the south of Helsinki, Children Of Bodom holed up with an invited throng to get 'Blooddrunk' and raise a glass to their near-completed seventh album. With an unfinished mix of the new album playing in the background, White Russians were downed and the men in the group even had time to take part in that very Finnish of pastimes; the sauna, complete with naked sea-dipping. It should be mentioned that one member of the group asked Bodom guitarist Roope Latvala if drinking all afternoon, taking a sauna and then jumping naked into frozen water was dangerous, the reply was an acerbic "of Course it is."

The next afternoon, with a mammoth hangover, Terrorizer met with Bodom's architect of aural wizardy, Alexi Laiho, for hair of the dog and a well deserved break from the final mix, happening across town in the infamous Finnvox Studios (Nightwish, Sonata Arctica). Staying true to a pact made the night before to not be too concerned if one party was slightly worse for wear during the interview, a fresh round of White Russians were ordered and the conversation turned to cover versions. "Actually both covers we recorded are from the movies 'The Big Lebowski'". Ah, hence the cocktail choice.
"Its probulary my favourite movie. Me and Janne (Warmen, Keyboardist) would watch that fucking movie three times a day on tour."
The Bodom cover has become a staple of their releases since versions of Slayer and Scorpions appeared on there debut 'Something Wild' in '97. The band have since given the world their take on as diverse artists from Britney Spears, WASP and The Ramones. For Blooddrunk Kenny Rodgers and Creedence Clearwater Revival get a hatecrew makeover along with Suicidal Tendencies and cowboy legend Stan Jones.
But it's their original material, a home brew of contemporary metal and melodic power metal that forged their success, and 'Blooddrunk' has not lost any of the intensity of their decade-long career, with what sounds like a welcome return to the technical sprawl of 'Follow The Reaper'; staccato keys stab and guitar riffs slash through the new record. The recording meant an enforced break from the arduous touring that has seen the band take their brand of melodic death metal all over the globe. The writing process started in February '07 following yet another bone-breaking misadventure from the accident-prone Alexi.
"I can't do any writing on tour," moaned the bands main composer. "When i'm writing songs I have to have peace and quiet and when you're on tour you are surrounded by these fucking drunk psychos 24/7."
Back at home, despite vocally declaring he prefers life on the road, Alexi set about penning 'Blooddrunk', a cathartic outlet for his proverbial demons.
"Lyricallys its the basic stuff" he admits "I'm not a sensitive poet, i'm a fucking guitar player, but i guess Blooddrunk' comes from that feeling where you get addicted to spilling your own blood. I used to be totally crazy and I used to cut myself. I felt it was addictive in a way"
The actual recording took place in the Petrax Studio, in the remote Hololla. Alexi describes the set up as "just us guys, away from where we live, where there are no distractions."
It was also where an old friend of the band Peter Tagtgren (Pain, Hypocrisy), was invited to produce the vocal recordings.
"I wanted someone who was a singer" explains the frontman, "someone who knows how to record but someone who understands this style of singing and someone i trust"
The resulting record is described by Alexi as, "Angerier than the last, more dark, more of a punch in the face. We have somehow managed to maintain the Bodom souund and not sound like we are repeating ourselves."
^I was about to faint when Downfall was playd at tuska so i got a fuckin trauma :lol: I was nearly pushed to death and the air was just so thin :lol:!!!!!
Originally Posted by Scythes-of-Bodom
Deadnight Warrior (incl. intro)
Silent Night, Bodom Night
Bodom After Midnight
Living Dead Beat
Tie My Rope
Angels Don't Kill
In Your Face
Hate Me!
Needled 24/7

They played the first 6 songs in chronological order. How cool is that.

That is very sick indeed. Its a good mix of songs,all the essential songs. Allthough i'd rather see In Your Face replaced with Bodom Beach Terror.
I'm just sorta pissed that they removed Every Time I Die and Follow the Reaper, myself. Those are my two all-time favorite CoB songs.

But I digress. Hopefully the Gigantour set is a bit different.