New Album Cover: Ghost Reveries


New Metal Member
May 25, 2004

I can't be sure if this is the real album cover or not. I've heard rumors that it is and I've heard rumors that it isn't. Someone told me that Opeth is letting fans send in pictures for the new cover and that this is just one of the potentials. Can anyone clarify this with proof?
Yes, its a real picture... no its not the album cover.

Some dude from these forums made that.
bangadrian said:
it's only funny when gunhaver says it, nut lover. and even then, it's a stretch

That was for my amusement not yours. What else am I going to do with my time besides look at gay porn?
haha holy shit i cant believe people bought that image as being real, shows you how quick stuff can spread on the internet, well done jean, good show, good show