Well that's true, we're too easy and desperate to keep excited. Anticipation is good but it's also good that people don't get fussed without the band giving them something.
I just remember the Blooddrunk days when the band made it exciting for us to wait for the album. I think the band members would not stay quiet if they felt like they have something epic burning in their hands. I guess the thing is the standard is set so high for Bodom it's hard to be positively surprised when one's waiting for the best album ever. But what is not unrealistically high is to expect them to utilize their musical style and make songs with the elements that made them great in the first place... meaning more speed, more orchestral hits and more solo melodies etc when compared to IWC... but once again it boils down to creativity and I guess creativity comes when following intuition...
Then again, after the RRF strategy (best album we've done) and the Halo strategy (back to roots, FTR, HB), what could they even say to make us excited, or at least convinced?