New Album

Check the thread for new song-titles. Also, Niklas told on the newsletter that they record it in March and thus it could be expected to be in stores sometime in May-June - which in reality probably means that after a dozen delays we can buy it in October at earliest.

-Villain (the pessimistic realist)
Originally posted by Villain
Check the thread for new song-titles. Also, Niklas told on the newsletter that they record it in March and thus it could be expected to be in stores sometime in May-June - which in reality probably means that after a dozen delays we can buy it in October at earliest.

-Villain (the pessimistic realist)

Originally posted by Villain
Check the thread for new song-titles. Also, Niklas told on the newsletter that they record it in March and thus it could be expected to be in stores sometime in May-June - which in reality probably means that after a dozen delays we can buy it in October at earliest.

-Villain (the pessimistic realist)

Thanks Villain.