New batch of Mokafix pedal sims - F'n AWESOME!


New Metal Member
Sep 15, 2009
Hey guys,
I've been beta testing for my friend at Mokafix for a couple months now and today marks the release of (what I believe are) the most awesome pedal sim plugins to date.

I don't use animated smilies often, but F*K ME! :OMG:

There's a The Rat, Tube Driver, Tube Screamer, The Guv'nor, Beebaa and D+ pedals, PLUS, there's been an update to Muffin Rider, which now includes 4 different versions for the price of one (all of which sound different and are extremely useful).

I guess, by now, I should have mentioned that they're only 9 euros each!
Tell me where you can buy a world-class pedal for that price? Not even behringer pedals are that cheap!!



You can go here to check out the demos (and buy them when your jaw falls clear off your face ;) ) :
I'm interested in a good TS sim. Might pick this up, if they'll be available for Mac

edit. well, of course not...
Downloading some of the demos right now! if the tube screamer sounds better than TSS i may well be buying it

EDIT: well ill be damned....anyone else try the Cream Tube demo? I think I'm going to buy it
A+ for the GUI. ;)

That was what first caught my attention last year, now I'm hooked on the tone.

You would not believe the effort Mokafix has gone to to model these so accurately. "Things happening in vintage pedals are really far from anything a dev would come up with from imagination only."

and another quote from the Mokafix newsletter, for those who aren't subscribed:
"These effects are based on hardware effects schematics and feature all the steps of the original circuits (DC filtering, gain stages, clippers, tone filtering).

They have all been fine tuned using specific analysis of the hardware units to further match the tone and dynamic response of the real stompboxes, and guarantee a faithful reproduction of the original stompbox's tones and behaviours.

Each effect features oversampling to sound and feel as close as possible to analogue effects."

I guess I should point out at this time that I'm not affiliated with Mokafix, other than as a beta tester. I just really dig their products.
Oh, they´re the guys behind "NoAmp!", the Sansamp GT2 sim. The thing looked amazing but sounded terrible, but I guess that the real GT2 sucks too (I don´t own one). Not a big fan of stompbox but I´m gonna try some of these. Loved the GUI, price policy and stereo mode on all of them.
Yeah, I never understood why so many people like the SansAmp. Never sounded that great to me.
Hi guys.
hello fisrt as this is my first post here !

Thanks for the comments.
The purchase buttons bug has been fixed indeed. SEO bug.

I hope you enjoy the sound of these effects.

The TS was modelled after a TS808. At some point, a TS9 was also modelled, but the sound was too close to justify a separate plugin. They were slightly different (input and output buffers bias and tresholds/levels) but sounded really close.

Each pedal has everything modelled to the very details. BMs for example have 4 transistor stages, with hipass filters between each, which induces some very low freq resonance (around 1Hz in the US reissue!). This doesn't affect the timbre of course, but it definitely affects the way the waveform "moves" and how the pedal "reacts" to attacks and playing.

Anyway, working on those was lots of fun. There is so much to learn from those old circuits...
...any chances that you could make an emulation of the BBE Sonic Stomp or the EHX Black Finger? I have the BF stomp box and I really really like the character of it in the bass.

If you have the pedal, anything is possible.
There would be schematic work first, and then I would need you to pass a specific test file through it according to a few settings and send me the results back.
Just email me if you are interested.

@hoehlentroll :
Nice demos.
I coudn't try TSS myself, since my setup don't load it for some reason. Big muffs proved me how different the same design can sound by changing just a few values here and there, so fo this alone, chances are various TS emus may sound different.
That said, I can tell Cream tube is a 99% match of the model it was based on.
Now (to take the risk and comment the sounds) if the left side is cream tube, I would say the attacks are more distinguishable from each other than on the right side, but of course I am biased and would say the contrary if you tell me the cream tube is actually on the right channel ;)
As I said, if you have or can access the real thing and pass a custom test file through it according to a few intructions, and if the schematic is available, it is possible to get extremely close.
I also think Bass deserves more dedicated plugins.
As I said, if you have or can access the real thing and pass a custom test file through it according to a few intructions, and if the schematic is available, it is possible to get extremely close.
I also think Bass deserves more dedicated plugins.

sadly i dont have a real sansamp bddi
but im pretty sure that there are a few people on this forum that have
im sure that they would be happy to help
this is a fucking great forum :kickass: