New batch of Mokafix pedal sims - F'n AWESOME!

As I said, if you have or can access the real thing and pass a custom test file through it according to a few intructions, and if the schematic is available, it is possible to get extremely close.
I also think Bass deserves more dedicated plugins.

Yeeaaah do it man! :kickass:
Surely anybody has a BDDI to put some testtones through...
A nice bassdriver sim would be awesome!
As I said, if you have or can access the real thing and pass a custom test file through it according to a few intructions, and if the schematic is available, it is possible to get extremely close.
I also think Bass deserves more dedicated plugins.

I have a Sansamp Bass Driver DI, a ReAmp v2 and can help you. I´m all in for making this thing become a plugin. Reamp stuff all the time is boring.
BBE new screamer sounds really good. I like it over TSS. I haven't tried The Mokafix yet.
Thanks for the suggestions !
Some bass and metal oriented FXs would be interesting indeed.
The BDDI is very likely to be in the next set. Someone also suggested a metal muff.
Compressors are quite different to work on, so Black Finger could be interesting, but maybe later.
BDDI is pretty interesting form the first tests. There is some severe notch filtering occuring and several times (once more if max out bass and treble in the EQ).

Blending between clean and ditortion seems pretty popular among bass oriented distortions. BrassBuster (based on a brassmaster fuzz) do that to, though the distortion channel if very different.

I like how the BDDI gives a fat low end and higher harmonics to give a tight attack.
hoehlentroll I'm right. BBE has a new plugin suite with a screamer in it. It sounds better than TSS to me. I like it. I couldn't try the Mokafix one yet.

Check it.

Heute Deutschland vs. Argentinien... Ich bin argentinien aber Ich liebe Deutschland auch !!

It could be a great match.