Well, I know that Peter from Vader is part of a historical reenactment group, and his undercut allows him to wear his uniform cap and not break character by having long hair all over the place. Maybe all Poles in bands are historical reenactors?
Why the fuck isn't Seth an official member already?

i read an interview in some mag with nergal a few years ago and he was saying something about really being into numerology and the number 3 was the best for him or something. what doesn't make sense to me though, is seth playing on the cd's, jamming with them, playing live, doing everything but posing for most of the group photos, makes him pretty much a member. but, i guess if nergal's happy...

i can't wait for this new album, i just hope the bass doesn't sound like an annoying cross between a cricket and a frog like it did on the apostasy.
That riff they play in the beginning has been stuck in my head all morning - I honestly don't think I've ever anticipated an album as much as I am this one, and it's killing me :waah: Anyone know when it's due?
Gotta disagree there Nate - they are unquestionably the most evil sounding band I've EVER heard, and the stage show IMO fits it PERFECTLY; I love it so theatrical, cuz I feel the music is too!
Behemoth makes my limbic system get fucking raunchy.

There stage getup is fucking CHOICE. Any loss of the paint, or the imagery would cause the stage show to suffer. When Ner came out and tore up the Bible I was losing my shit.

I've really been starting to dig this band as of late. The unrelenting brutality in the music is amazing. I love 'Slaves Shall Serve'.

I also love how their pre-prod demo sounds better than The Apostasy :lol:
Not for me...

Immolation are evil as fuck, and i'd even say Will Haven :)

I just checked out some Immolation and they sound like a pretty standard death metal outfit to me, nothing special. Behemoth just has me feeling so fucking hyped up, they just instill a fuckton of aggression in me. Kinda like SYL does, but in a darker way.
Oh you... :p

I kinda agree with Ermin to be honest, I listened to a few tracks of the Apostasy online and I didn't like the mix, especially the drums. I think Bergstrands work on Demigod and Zos Kia Cultus suited them perfectly. Hopefully the new album can grab me again and get me back into them.